Jacobsen, E. N. ScienceYoon, T
Dr. David is now executive vice president for research, development and planning of Could Inc., manufacturer of electrical and automotive products, Chicago. This is the ninth in a series of Bulletin interviews.Sally JacobsenBulletin of the Atomic Scientists...
Somatoforme Störungen umfassen eine Gruppe heterogener Störungen, denen als führende klinische Beschwerden körperliche Symptome ohne eine hinreichende organmedizinische Erklärung gemeinsam sind. Dass Konzept der „Somatisierung“...
or that evolve remarkably rapidly or slowly over time. The light curves of some of these events cannot be powered by ordinary energy sources such as the decay of radioactive isotopes. This chapter begins with a brief description of certain ...
163 Dynamics and control of unstable distillation columns: E.W. Jacobsen, S. Skogestad, pp 201–206 - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/0967-0661(93)92055-9
The generalizations take place within an unifying framework based on elementary ADD and DROP operations.Heuristics from the literature are discussed and compared to the procedures...doi:10.1016/0377-2217(80)90045-4S?ren Kruse JacobsenElsevier B.V.European Journal of Operational Research...
Gomez Perdiguero E, Chorro L, Szabo-Rogers H, Cagnard N, Kierdorf K: A lineage of myeloid cells independent of myb and hematopoietic stem cellsSchulz, CGomez Perdiguero, EChorro, LSzaboRogers, HCagnard, NKierdorf, KPerdiguero, E. G
A comparison of the BSB systems with conventional shaft sinking was made on the basis of relative risk levels.Geffen-Fowler, C. A.Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs.Hobbs, J. M.Jacobsen, J. J.Oylear, J. M.Powers, T. B
, Frangoudes, K., Hatchard, J., Hegland, T.J., Pitchon, A., Jacobsen, R.B., Stead, S.M. & Wilson, D.C. (2007). Stakeholder perspectives on fisheries science and modelling. Focus group discussions in Spain, Greece, UK, Denmark and Ireland. Research report of the EFIMAS project...