The 2019 Spring Meeting of the European Materials Research Society (E-MRS) will take place from May 27 to 31, 2019, in Nice, France (Congress & Exhibition Centre Acropolis). It will be the 37th of the series started in 1983. This event is organized in conjuction with the ...
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 5 (2003) 311 Preface E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002. The 300mm Silicon Era: Material, Equipment, Technology Why is silicon for 300mm wafers special, some people might ask when reading the title of the present symposium? Is it not the same silicon as ...
E-MRS/IUMRS-ICEM 2006 Spring Meeting Emphasizes Functional Materials and Devices. MRS Bulletin 31, 774–785 (2006). Download citation Published01 October 2006 Issue DateOctober 2006 DOI Share this article Anyone you share the...
E-MRS 2004 Spring Meeting Symposium H: Atomic Scale Materials Design: Modelling and CharacterizationThe book is designed as an introduction for engineers and researchers wishing to obtain a fundamental knowledge and a snapshot in time of the cutting edge in technology research. As a natural ...
Proceedings of E-MRS Spring Meeting 2013 Symposium D Advanced Inorganic Materials and Structures for Photovoltaics 27-31 May 2013, Strasbourg, France Edited by Marko Topič Gavin Conibeer Michio Kondo Jef Poortmans James R. Sites Abdelillah Slaoui...
A series of phenomena has been found at the Si-water electrolyte interface with the electrolyte containing either transition metal ions or metal comprising anions. The studies resulted in bringing to light the existence of (1) penetration of metal (W, Ti, V etc. ) into the Si near-surface ...
NUCLEAR MATERIALS: SELECTED ARTICLES FROM THE E-MRS 2011 SPRING MEETING I am working on the evaluation of the state-of-knowledge of radiation effects in crystalline ceramics that may be used for the immobilization of high-level nuclear waste and plutonium. I am using c…" [more] C Guet,R ...
Pages 46-50 select article From sputtered metal precursors towards Cu2Zn(Sn1-x,Gex)Se4 thin film solar cells with shallow back grading Research articleAbstract only From sputtered metal precursors towards Cu2Zn(Sn1-x,Gex)Se4thin film solar cells with shallow back grading C. Andres, A. Cab...
E-MRS 2008 Spring MeetingMay, France
E-MRS 2007 Spring Meeting Science and Technology of Nananotubes and Nanowires Symposium Organizers : Symposium PartnersMay, FranceFerrari, Andrea