To play a harmonic minor scale, you simply raise the seventh note of the natural minor scale by a half-step as you go up and down the scale. For example, the notes of the natural E flat minor scale are E♭, F, G♭, A♭, B♭, C♭, D♭, E♭. To form the E fla...
In this lesson we will learnhow to play the E major scale. We will take a look at the notes of this scale, its intervals, degrees, modes, relative minor, diatonic triads, fingering and more. We will take a look at diagrams of this scale on the piano keyboard, treble and bass clef....
scale step 音级(音级数:number of scale step)simple interval 单音程compound interval 复音程enharmonic intervals 等音程inversion 转位(complement)minor 小(音程)major 大(音程)perfect 完全,纯(音程)augmented 增(音程)diminished 减(音程)double-augmented 倍增(音程)double-...
Barrueco, Manuel 马努埃·巴鲁埃科 [古巴] bass 低音 bass clarinet 低音单簧管 bass clef 低音谱号 bass drum 大鼓 bass tuba 低音大号 bass 低音号 bass 男低音 bassoon 大管(巴松) bel canto 美声 binary form 二段式,二部曲式(AB) bitonality 双重调性 blues 布鲁斯 bongo 邦戈鼓 bourree 布列 brass wind...
chromatic scale 半音阶 chromatic tone 变化全音 chromatic 半音的 clarinet 单簧管(黑管) Classicism 古典主义 clavier (18世纪)键盘乐器 clef 谱号 (G clef, F clef, C clef) climax 高潮 coda 尾声 coloratura soprano 花腔女高音 common meter 普通拍子 (4/4) comparison 对比 complex tone...
clef 高音谱号clef 谱号Key signature 调号Sharp 升记号flat 降记号bass clef 低音谱号natural 还原记号accidentals 临时记号scale 音阶tonic 主音supertonic 上主音medians 中音subdominant 下属音dominant 属音submediant 下中音leading tone 导音major 大调minor 小调harmonic major ...
scale step 音级音级数:number of scale step simple interval 单音程 compound interval 复音程 enharmonic intervals 等音程 inversion 转位complement minor 小音程 major 大音程 perfect 完全,纯音程 augmented 增音程 diminished 减音程 double-augmented 倍增音程 double-diminished 倍减音程 unison 同度,一度prime ...
lydian scale 利底亚音阶 modal interchange chord调式内转 和弦(MI) ascending slide上滑音 装饰音grace note Minor second小二度 Triplet三连音 Backbeat基调强节奏 Restnote休止符 lick装饰乐节 coda后奏,尾声 first inversion 第一转位 大六度major sixth Openstrings空弦;开放点弦 Groove律动 Unison齐唱、同音 Riff...
AUGMENTED SCALE IN JAZZ, THE [DOWNLOAD] Ramon Ricker and Walt Weiskopf PDF Jamey Aebersold Jazz JA-AUGDL $12.00 More Info AVALON PLAY-ALONG [DOWNLOAD] PDF with Online Audio Jamey Aebersold Jazz JA-V79DL $14.95 More Info BARRY GALBRAITH DAILY EXERCISES IN THE MELODIC MINOR & HA...
Roland罗兰乐器E-X30 编曲键盘[English] E-X30 Owners Manual用户手册.pdf,Roland罗兰乐器E-X30编曲键盘[English]E-X30OwnersManual用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册Before using this unit, carefully read “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT