Chord NameE Minor Chord SymbolEm Alternate SymbolsEmin, Emi, E- SpellingE, G, B Chord TypeMinor Common Chord Voicings The chords below are common versions of the E Minor chord for banjo, guitar, mandolin, piano, and ukulele. Guitar
The E minor (Em) chord is a staple of every guitarist’s arsenal. It’s used in practically every genre of music, and lucky for you—it’s one of the easiest chords to play as a beginner. In fact, it’s one of the first chords my dad taught me when I was a kid. Once you l...
大小写可以表示major 或 minor 在罗马数字右上角的符号表示augmented 或 diminished 如果你想知道怎么用罗马数字表示音阶 那么你要先把每个音的chord 也就是和弦找出来 一般来说是三个notes 为一个chord 然后分辨出每一个chord 是 major minor 还是什么其他的就行了 注意先把音阶写出来 ...
E minor 7 (Em7) is a beautiful chord composed of the notesE,G,B, andD. The combination of the minor key (G is the flat 3rd of the major scale) and the 7th interval (D) give it a rich, interesting sound. There are several different ways to play Em7 in an open position with st...
私信TA向TA提问满意答案 大小写可以表示major或minor在罗马数字右上角的符号表示augmented或diminished如果你想知道怎么用罗马数字表示音阶那么你要先把每个音的chord也就是和弦找出来一般来说是三个notes为一个chord然后分辨出每一个chord是majorminor还是什么其他的就行了注意先把音阶写出来 00分享举报您...
Deep Soulful Ballad Guitar Backing Track Jam in G Minor 10:36 Dreamy Ethereal Ballad Guitar Backing Track Jam in C 10:37 Base para Improvisar en Bm (Si menor) - Base to improvise in Bm 10:30 A minor One Chord Backing Track 04:09 Slow blues backing track in B major 10:14 Ja...
224 -- 11:01 App Guitar Theory Module 57_ Natural Minor Scale Forms 193 -- 7:47 App (如何练习开放三和弦)How to practice TRIADS on guitar - Open Voicings _ Spread Voicings 90 -- 10:52 App Guitar Triad HACK - The Augmented Chord 144 -- 10:57 App (三和弦形状与在大调中的属性)Gu...
难度不算大。 Instrumental rumba new flamenco jam track to improvise and scale or chord practice. E minor and E minor harmonic. 小爱V佳儿 1469观看 32 74 Spanish Guitar Gipsy Latin Rumba Backing Track E Minor 1623593495933相关推荐 评论3 381 1 11:06 【即兴伴奏】Smokey Latin Groove Guitar ...