Example:In the Malayalam script (Indic), the conjunct Kla, requires a ligature which is formed using the base glyph Ka and the below-base form of consonant La. This feature can also be used to substitute ligatures formed using base glyphs and below base matras in Indic scripts. ...
Example: In the Malayalam script (Indic), the conjunct Kla, requires a ligature which is formed using the base glyph Ka and the below-base form of consonant La. This feature can also be used to substitute ligatures formed using base glyphs and below base matras in Indic scripts....
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Add a meaning Add ChaGee details Phonetic spelling of ChaGee Add phonetic spelling Synonyms for ChaGee Add synonyms Antonyms for ChaGee Add antonyms Examples of ChaGee in a sentence Add a sentence Translations of ChaGee Add a translation Comments...
Without going into too many details, in contrast to the common data collators, this data collator treats the input_features and labels differently and thus applies to separate padding functions on them. This is necessary because in speech input and output are of different modal...
if name in seen_tensors: continue seen_tensors[name] = True if name in output_to_op: for op_name in output_to_op[name]: if op_name in op_to_all: for input_name in op_to_all[op_name]: if input_name not in stack: stack.append(input_name) expanded_names = [] if name in...
This significantly increased the vulnerability of residents to crime and sexual violence, meaning for many women and children, going outside to the toilet at night was not feasible (Sutherland and Buthelezi, 2013), an issue corroborated through this research too. Two new perceived dangers were ...
Example: In the Malayalam script (Indic), the conjunct Kla, requires a ligature which is formed using the base glyph Ka and the below-base form of consonant La. This feature can also be used to substitute ligatures formed using base glyphs and below base matras in Indic scripts. Recommended...
Application interface:In a sequence where a split vowel with an above form is used, the application must insert the pre-base glyph into the correct location and then apply the above-base form feature. The application gets back the GID for the correct form for the piece that is placed above...
This is necessary because in speech input and output are of different modalities meaning that they should not be treated by the same padding function. Analogous to the common data collators, the padding tokens in the labels with -100 so that those tokens are not taken into account ...