All 10 detectors (indicated by A–J inside the dash-dotted rectangle marked LND) and their front-end electronics (pre-amplifiers (PA), shapers (SH), and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)) are accommodated in the sensor head (left half of the schematic). All other electronics such as ...
6: Mirror FRR information. 7: SRv6 locator information. AlgoId 8: Last routing information notified to the Bier. instance-id 9: Last routing information notified to the Bier6. instance-id 10: IID information. IID value 11: Flex-Algo routing information. AlgoId 12: IID information of...
45CSA-103743-L2093Display Bar 209-819BEZ-STRANGAUFDR.W:WMARKERBARMARKEDW SIEMENS 7ML1106-1AA20-0A 1036972DFS60A-TEPL65536 941-ODSW75-395Wash Down 75mm OverDrive Spot Light 395nm UV - "Brick Light" 51-69543 0533518RI76TD/ 500ED.1A15KF Ac-motoren Type FCA 132 SB-2/HE,Bauform B5/...
209-311BEZEICHNUNGSSTANGEAUFDRUCKEMARKERBRANCHMARKEDE IG502AIGB4010-CPKG/V4A/US/3D 121.96.01" 90 6602990RSV-RKV490B-2M 6049707Druckmessumformer PFT E3F27LM1S Nadella AXZ85071 Nadella GmbH DOBIKON1012-025-055 norgren DA025H-AA 9457734000SAIL-M12BG-4-40U ...
easy motor mounting easy on the door easy open end product easy operate and clea easy operation and ma easy recording easy rider easy rocks you easy side battles easy site easy test institute easy to approach easy to get dirty easy to maintaining easy to perceive easy to search easy to use...
judgemental adj.审判的/condescend vi.谦逊, 屈尊/pedantic adj.书生气的/pedant n.<贬>书呆子,学究/Hey, look, I don't need you getting all judgemental and condescending andpedantic: marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial(adj.细微的,微不足道的) aspects ...
PCI Express Mini Card for wireless WAN (continued) 1a 1b 2 Step 2 Screw (quantity) M2 × 3 mm, small-head, nylon-coated (1) 3 Color Silver Torque 0.181 Nm (1.85 kgfcm) Note: Plug the red cable into the jack marked MAIN, and the blue cable into the jack marked AUX on the ...
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DUNKERMOTOREN part marked in the red ,MOTOR DR 62 0X40-4- Schmidt 11238-26922 ABB HME0200D Vahle KST2/40 Nr 168137 Eugen Seitz AG 1121C 17 249 00 AEG AM71ZCA4 LN38066001 Kuka 00-171-202 Schenck PWS-17237 Friedmann 68105/19/30 kistler 1357A Sipos 2SA5531-5EE00-4BB3 RUD VMK 20...
209-329BEZEICHNUNGSSTANGEAUFDRUCKJMARKERBRANCHMARKEDJ 0536454RI58-D/ 4096AD.32KB-K0 418991RLK25-55/116 BH9098.90/011 3AC60-440V AC8A0059311 1905243.PHOENIXMKKDSN 1,5/13-5,08BD:1-25/2-26 IK8813.81AC50/60HZ230V15-300M0044127 101188771WKTA32/WKT-26 ...