Further information about the research project may be found here:http://www.kunstgeschichte.hu-berlin.de/forschungsprojekt-art-education-between-heritage-making-and-critical-transregionality/ We look forward to your application (letter of motivation; short summary of MA-thesis (1-2 pages); CV; p...
MailChamp Open Commerce MailChimp Open Commerce, formerly known as Reaction Commerce, is a modular commerce stack with API first. It’s built using GraphQL, React, and Node.js. It’s possible to use the tech stack in place of or in addition to your own. Use only the modules you need ...
The Mother of all Query Languages: SQL in Modern Times | Markus Winand (Conférence), conférence de Markus Winand (Data Natives Berlin, 2018) sur l'état actuel du standard SQL, de l'évolutions de ses différentes implémentations (Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.) Norme de développement ...
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ResearchGate edoc.hu-berlin.de 相似文献A note on the E-mail game: Bounded rationality and induction In Rubinstein's (1989) E-mail game there exists no Nash equilibrium where players use strategies that condition on the E-mail communication. In this paper ... ...
produced and directed by Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre in Berlin, March 1986. The Festival included the first presentation of the Black International Cinema Film-Video Festival. Awarded "Best Film" in 1988 by the Polish Commission for Film Arts. The film is part of the Best of Black Intern...
limehome Berlin Kopenhagener Straße公寓还提供设备齐全的厨房和良好的公共交通连接。 这座曾经的工业砖结构建筑建于1900年左右,坐落在一个宁静的庭院中。每个层楼都延伸到一个阁楼,拥有一个较大的起居空间和一个封闭的卧室。开放式厨房与起居区的大型柜台相结合。所有公寓均提供免费WiFi且设备齐全。砖墙和高高的...
als Sozialkritik" Special Issue 2023, Responsable Editors Dr. Moritz von Stetten, Corvin Rick Sung Un Gang SFB 1265 „Re-Figruration von Räumen", Technische Universität Berlin, BH-N Gebäude, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 1, 10587 Berlin, Deutschland E-Mail: s.gang@tu-berlin.de K 222 S. ...
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