“XXX,你爸妈让你考研还是结婚?”“XXX,大家开个玩笑而已啊,你有必要这么敏感吗?” 谁都明白在说什么,如果你不明白,好奇心也将驱使你很快明白,哪怕在萌娘百科,unbandictionary,knowyourmeme 这些查梗神器上查不到的东西,你也将很快心领神会。meme 是一种行为艺术,一个概念,对词汇本身的围追堵截根本伤害不到...
8. Memes-On-The-Go: At Memee, we know that memes are best enjoyed when shared. Easily share memes directly from within the app with friends and family. Our seamless sharing feature lets you spread the fun to your contacts and social networks effortlessly. 9. Follow Your Favorite Meme Shar...
8. Memes-On-The-Go: At Memee, we know that memes are best enjoyed when shared. Easily share memes directly from within the app with friends and family. Our seamless sharing feature lets you spread the fun to your contacts and social networks effortlessly. ...
https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/54959-einstein-blackboard 所以写个2.05应该不是特大新闻。正经回答...
KnowYourMeme. 2021a. This is Fine. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/this-is-fine. Zugegriffen: 1. Nov. 2021. KnowYourMeme. 2021b. Batman Slapping Robin. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-parents-are-dead-batman-slapping-robin. Zugegriffen: 1. Nov. 2021. KnowYourMeme. 2021c. Coffin ...
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I don't know, grizz. 我不知道,棕熊。 People always say they'll come over, but they never do. 人们总是说会过来坐坐,但他们一次也没来过。 I think we need a bigger TV. 我觉得我们需要台更大的电视。 Ahem. Priyatnogo appe...
The continuation token / guid to know what page to return. ContinuationToken string The continuation token / guid to know what page to return. MUST BE EMPTY or the token returned from a PREVIOUS call. Gets or sets the maximum quantity. MaxQuantity integer Gets or sets the maximum quantity...
The continuation token / guid to know what page to return. ContinuationToken string The continuation token / guid to know what page to return. MUST BE EMPTY or the token returned from a PREVIOUS call. Gets or sets the maximum quantity. MaxQuantity integer Gets or sets the maximum quantity...
I don't know, grizz. 我不知道,棕熊。 People always say they'll come over, but they never do. 人们总是说会过来坐坐,但他们一次也没来过。 I think we need a bigger TV. 我觉得我们需要台更大的电视。 Ahem. Priyatnogo ap...