携程旅行为您提供香港E酒店(E Hotel Hong Kong)预订及价格查询,涵盖香港E酒店(E Hotel Hong Kong)电话、服务设施、地址交通及周边酒店信息,真实详细的香港E酒店(E Hotel Hong Kong)点评、酒店图片信息,使您入住香港E酒店(E Hotel Hong Kong)更放心更省心。
Rosedale Hotel Hong Kong 4.3/5 很好 1K+則評價 距離港鐵銅鑼灣站 500m,灣仔區,香港 健身中心 靠近地鐵 每晚價格(連稅) HK$542.8 1/5 香港旺角維景酒店 Metropark Hotel Mongkok 4.5/5 極佳 1K+則評價 距離市中心 500m,油尖旺區,香港 健身中心
Starting from 1 January 2025, Hong Kong will reinstate the Hotel Accommodation Tax (HAT) at a rate of 3%, based on the room rate provided by the property. This may affect your total accommodation costs. We recommend you read the Hotel Accommodation Tax details before booking. For more inform...
仕德福酒店 Stanford Hotel 4.3/5 很好 1K+則評價 距離市中心 600m,油尖旺區,香港 位於市中心 靠近地鐵 每晚價格(連稅) HK$905.2 1/5 香港旺角帝盛酒店 Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong 4.5/5 極佳 1K+則評價 距離市中心 800m,油尖旺區,香港 位於市中心 靠近地鐵 每晚價格(連稅) HK$674.4 1/5 富薈旺角...
Starting from 1 January 2025, Hong Kong will reinstate the Hotel Accommodation Tax (HAT) at a rate of 3%, based on the room rate provided by the property. This may affect your total accommodation costs. We recommend you read the Hotel Accommodation Tax details before booking. For more inform...
Starting from 1 January 2025, Hong Kong will reinstate the Hotel Accommodation Tax (HAT) at a rate of 3%, based on the room rate provided by the property. This may affect your total accommodation costs. We recommend you read the Hotel Accommodation Tax details before booking. For more inform...
E Hotel Hong Kong features a rooftop terrace and puts you a short five-minute drive from Nathan Road Shopping District and Temple Street Night Market. Other features include a 24-hour fitness centre and a fitness centre. See more about this property ...
地址: 九龙北河街189号 电话: 852-37428888 传真: 852-37428899 电邮: info@e-hotel.hk 网址: www.e-hotel.hk 最近翻新年份: 2019 最近的港铁站: 其他资料 联络人 其它设施 住宿
E Hotel Hong Kong Kowloon E Hotel Hong Kong Hotel Kowloon 常見問題 E 酒店是否允許寵物入住? 很抱歉,恕不准攜帶寵物入住。 E 酒店是否設有店內泊車位? 很抱歉,E 酒店不設店內泊車位。 E 酒店的登記入住及退房時間為何? 登記入住開始時間:15:00;登記入住結束時間:0:00。退房時間為 12:00。住宿可提供特...
中文客服 E酒店 (Ehotel)份点评 tooltip 等级信息由住宿提供,仅用作其舒适度、设施及其他方面水平的参考 189 Pei Ho Street, 深水埗, 香港特别行政区, 中国香港 棒棒哒 来自2247 个评分 8.5 / 10 93%的住客会向亲朋好友推荐 真实的住客点评来自