SECTION1.SHORTTITLE;TABLEOFCONTENTS. (a)SHORTTITLE.—ThisActmaybecitedasthe‘‘E-Government Actof2002’’. (b)TABLEOFCONTENTS.—ThetableofcontentsforthisAct isasfollows: Sec.1.Shorttitle;tableofcontents. Sec.2.Findingsandpurposes. TITLEI—OFFICEOFMANAGEMENTANDBUDGETELECTRONIC ...
E-Government Act of 2002. Pub. L. No. 107- 347, 116 Stat. 2899 (2002).US Government. E-government act of 2002. bin/getdoc. cgi?dbname=107 cong public laws&December 2002.White House(2009).E-Government Act of 2002.
E-Government Act of 2002 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 42 作者: Federal Legislation 摘要: E-Government uses improved Internet-based technology to make it easy for citizens and businesses to interact with the government, save taxpayer dollars, and streamline citizen-to-government communications. ... 相似文献The Computer Security Act of 1987--H.R. 145 USGA Office 被引量: 46发表: 1987年 AIDS Federal Policy Act of 1987 (H.R. 3071) USC House 被引量: 1发表: 1987年 Government Performance and Results Act: Proposed Amendments (H.R. 2883) The Government Performance and Results ...
2002 年,美国国会通过了《2002 年电子政务法案》。 该法案是美国一项旨在改善电子政务服务和流程的管理和推广的法规。 联邦CIO 该法案确立了联邦首席信息官在行政管理和预算局的角色。 这一法案非常重要,因为它首次带头提供了一个单一的办公室来监督整个联邦政府的信息技术。
JurisdictionoftheCourts Jurisdictionofthecourtsisnotcoveredbytheregulations Links: ECDirectiveRegulations2002 ConsumerProtectionAct(DistanceSelling) DPA1998 Information...
目前在美国,E-Bike Act(电动自行车法案)是美国现有的和欧洲地区最相似的国家层级的激励性措施。该法案的主要内容包括将在五年内提供30%的税收减免(或高达900美元),并将骑车出行视为一种通勤福利。但该法案的命运与“Build Back Better Act”(重建美好法)的命运联系在一起,且后者在国会仍处于被搁置的状态。目前还... 相似文献Find TSCA Section 8(e) Substantial Risk Notifications and For Your Information (FYI) Submissions | Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Section 8(e)... Find TSCA Section 8(e) Substantial Risk Notifications and For Your Information (FYI) Submissions | Toxic Substan...
参考资料和Clyde的名字取自20世纪30年代美国的一对犯罪情侣邦妮·派克(Bonnie Parker)和克莱德·巴罗(Clyde Champion Barrow),两人的故事在1967年被改编成电影《雌雄大盗》(Bonnie and Clyde)。剧中把Bonnie改成Benny应该是因为木偶和木偶演员都是男的...
Expression of recombinant Chlamydia MOMP Codon harmonization To improve recombinant protein expression in a heterologous host, Angov et al. developed an algorithm termed “codon harmonization” that best approximates codon usage frequencies from the native host and adjusts these for use in the heterolo...