Learn How To Play The E Flat Minor Melodic Scale On The Piano!I'm going to teach you the E Minor harmonic scale today. The notes of the scale are E, F sharp, G, A, B, C, D sharp, and E. Now let's take a look at the fingering for the scale....
One thing which he made all his pupils do was to practice all scales with the fingering of C major.” After mastering this etude of Moszkowski’s, the student can be referred to pieces of the same technical and musical level that include the same kind of learning experience (finding the b...
You can use Piano Kit andGuitar Kitas companion apps forChord NOTE. Piano Kit and Guitar Kit can show selected all Chords in Chord NOTE. Moreover, Chord NOTE, Guitar Kit, Piano Kit are part of “Chord Scale Bungle”. If you purchase these 3 apps, you’ll be saved money. Go to TOC ...
By company size Enterprises Small and medium teams Startups Nonprofits By use case DevSecOps DevOps CI/CD View all use cases By industry Healthcare Financial services Manufacturing Government View all industries View all solutions Resources Topics AI DevOps Security Softwa...
major chord, but hisrallentandocovering the first three beats of this measure and the sudden dynamic drop fromfortetopiano(including switching to another combination and moving back theRollschwellerdevice quite considerably), which he prescribes, clearly result in an interruption of the ...
Yamaha雅马哈键盘乐器 PSR-E473PSR-EW425 英文参考手册.pdf,REFERENCE MANUAL The purpose of the Reference Manual is to supplement the Owner’s Manual with descrip- tions of advanced topics. Therefore, you should read the Owner’s Manual to gain familiarity w
在线欣赏:J.S巴赫的《第二组曲-序曲》 力度记号及术语 Piano(p)弱 Pianissimo(pp)很弱 Forte(f)强 Fortissimo(ff)很强 Mezzo Piano(mp)中弱 Mezzo Forte(mf)中强 Sforzando(sf)突强 Fortepiano(fp)强后突弱 Pianoforte(pf)先弱后强 Diminuendo(dim)渐弱 Crescendo(cresc)渐强 Ritardando(rit)渐慢;突慢 ...
major scale pattern in whichever key the tune was in. A modern expression of this process might be Ted Eschliman's "FFcP" studies in his "Getting Into Jazz Mandolin" book: closed or fretted scale positions that pertain to certain tonalities. But if not for Jethro's guidance, including off...
(SMF) Version 54 Scale Tune Switch 17 Scale Tune 17 Using the Mark and Jump Function (SMF Songs Only) 55 Using Scale Tunings 18 Pad Setting Parameters 18 Creating/Deleting Markers 55 Playing the Pads 18 Saving a Song That Contains Markers 55 Pad Settings 19 Using Markers to Perform 55 ...
在速度很快地跑动段落,指法可遵循让每个手指得到一定程度休息的原则,避免放着其他手指不用,一直使用相同指法而造成肌肉疲劳或紧张。在此,我向大家推荐罗马尼亚钢琴家朱利安·穆萨菲亚(Julien Musafia)写的《钢琴演奏中的指法艺术》(The Art of Fingering in ...