Q.1 – Can We File an Online Return Using Gen IT Filing Software? Q.2 – What are the Basic Functions of Gen ITR Filing Software? Q.3 – Why is Gen Income Tax Return Filing Software is the Most Preferred Software? Q.4 – How Many Returns Can be Filed Using Gen IT software? Q....
August 31, 2021Arpit KulshresthaGST India, Informative GST Articles 5 Minutes Read It is important to file the returns for every trader who used to import or export their things manufactured or non-manufactured. There are some of the objectives and guidelines are given by the government which ...
68.4 million tax returns were filed through e-file. Half of all tax returns were filed using the e-file system and the Telefile system was retired. Through the next few years, MeF was made mandatory for businesses falling under certain criteria - these were...
Categories Income Tax Tags Are you able to get an Interest on a Late Refund?, Filing a Belated ITR, Filing a condolence request for the condonation of delay, Late Fees and Penalties, Steps to File a Belated Return Leave a comment Advantages and Disadvantages of ITR Filing in India October...
(e) the Principal Commissioner of Income-tax or the Commissioner of Income-tax, as the case may be, shall file his response to any notice or order or any other electronic communication, under this Scheme, to the Board for Advance Rulings through official electronic mail facility. 20. Languag...
In 2021, the compliance ratio even reached 84.07% (out of 19 million individual and corporate taxpayers who are obliged to file tax returns). Before 2017, compliance to file was significantly lower, at approximately 60% [7]. The rise may be attributable to the actual effect of introducing ...
Theaverage order value of online shoppingvia smartphones and tablets still lags traditional e-commerce via desktop computers. However, e-retailers around the world have caught up in mobile e-commerce sales. Online shopping via smartphones is particularly prominent in Asia. By the end of 2021, Ma...
教师资格证考试用书 1 2 3 新网站试运行通知 2025-02-26 关于临时变更线下销售地址公告 2024-12-21 关于疫情防控期间订单发货的通知 2023-05-23 2023年春节放假调休通知 2023-01-16 网站维护公告 2022-10-13 普通高考 2025-02-18 2025 年河北省普通高等学校招生计划(历史科目组合·对口) ...
(ii) the assessee may, within fifteen days from the date of receipt of notice referred to in clause (i), file his response to the National e-Assessment Centre; (iii) where the assessee – (a) has furnished his return of income under section 139 of the Act or in respons...