Winter, H.; Schönnenbeck, G.: Graufleckigkeit an einsatzgehärteten Zahnrädern: Ermüdung der Werkstoffrandschicht mit möglicherweise schweren Folgeschäden. Antriebstechnik 24 (1985) 53–61. Google Scholar Dudley, D. W.; Winter, H.: Zahnräder. Berlin: Springer 1961. Google ...
Emeléus HJ (1960) Friedrich Adolf Paneth. 1887–1958. Biograph Mem Fellows Royal Soc 6:226–246. ArticleGoogle Scholar Emeléus HJ, Sharpe AG (1963) Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry, Bd 5. Academic, Cambridge, MA, S 77–78. ISBN 0...
David R. Fellows Miss Peggy L. Fenton Mr. & Mrs. Rosendo Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. John F. Ficco Mrs. Mary Ann Fiehrer Miss Marcella E. Finegan Mr. George T. Finley Edward W. & Marilyn Finnegan Ms. Eleanor A. Finnin Mr. Stanley C. Fiore Mrs. Mary J. Fiori Mr. & Mrs. David ...
Executive Excellence Publishing: Ken Shelton, CEO, Editor-in-Chief Sean Beck, Circulation Manager Contributing Editors: Chip Bell, Warren Bennis, Dianna Booher, Kevin Cashman, Marshall Goldsmith, Howard Guttman, Jim Kouzes, Jim Loehr, Tom Peters, Norm Smallwood The table of contents art is a ...
beck becky bed beds bee beech beef beefy been beep beeps beer beers bees beet beets befall befit befog beg began beget beggar begin begs begun behind beige being beirut belch belfry belief bell bella belle bellow bells belly below belt belts bemoan ben bench bend bender bends ben...
J. Christopher BeckUniversity of Toronto For significant contributions to planning and scheduling, constraint programming, and the integration of operations research and AI for combinatorial optimization. Emma BrunskillStanford University For significant c...
Analysis and provenience of Minoan and Mycenaean amber, V. Pylos and Messenia.Focuses on the analysis and provenience of Minoan and Mycenaean amber finds in Greece. Typology of bead shapes; Samples from Messenia; Infrared spectra of the amber finds of the Pylos region.Beck...