$Sea Limited(SE)$由Google,淡马锡和贝恩公司联合发布的e-Conomy SEA 2019报告于十月3号发布。 东南亚互联网经济比去年猛增近40%,今年突破1000亿美元,超出了所有预期。 今年,电子商务行业已跃居首位,成为互联网经济中最大的部门,超过380亿美元。 年度报告还将其对该地区到2025年增长的预测从先前的2400亿美元上调至...
e-Conomy SEA is a multi-year research programme launched by Google and Temasek in 2016. Bain & Company joined the programme as lead research partner in 2019. The research leverages primary research, Temasek insights, Bain analysis, Google Trends, expert interviews, and industry sources to shed ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to big shifts across Southeast Asia, and the e-Conomy SEA 2020 report reveals that 40 million people came online for the first time this year, bringing the total number of Internet users in the region to 400 million. Written in collaboration with Despite a ...
As one of the fast-growing digital economies in the region, Vietnam’s e-commerce sector is expected to be worth USD 23 billion by 2025, according to thee-Conomy Southeast Asia 2019 reportby Google, Temasek Holdings, and Bain & Company. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated e-commerce ado...
东南亚2020年数字经济报告 e conomy sea 2020 report.docx,PAGE PAGE 10 Reference onomy SEA is a multi-year research program launched by Google and Temasek in 2016. Bain Company joined the program as lead research partner in 2019. The research leverages Bain
Combine d deve lopme nt "six big industry", a nd implem e ntation "three big e ngineeri ng", and create "two big e nvironment", strengt heni ng on new developme nt, and new e conomy concept of lear ning, a nd gras p and us ing, real put thoug ht and a...
This is according to the ‘e-Conomy Southeast Asia’ 2019 report by Google, Temasek and new partner, Bain & Company, which analyses the current and future potential of the Southeast Asian internet economy across its six largest markets: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, ...
e-Conomy SEA 2022 report: Southeast Asia’s digital economy is on course towards $200B GMV in 2022, three years earlier than projected | Bain How to accelerate affiliate eCommerce marketing in Southeast Asia | Commission Factory 2022 Index of economic freedom - Singapore How Southeast Asia...
Other analysts report similar growth trajectories, with data from Google and Temasek’s 2018e-Conomy SEA reportsuggesting that the sector will experience growth of more than 13 percent in 2019, to reach total spend ofUS$34 billionfor the year. ...
资料来源:e-Conomy SEA 2020、零壹智库 3. 东南亚IT服务发展情况 根据2020年发布世界经济论坛发布的全球竞争力指数中关于信息与通信技术的评分,2019年东南亚整体平均得分为52.68,位于世界中游,略低于中东地区,但已超过拉丁美洲。据东盟秘书处统计司ASEANStats估算,2020年东盟地区在计算机硬件、通信及移动设备方面的整体市...