执行命令display current-configuration [ configuration [ configuration-type [ configuration-instance ] | config-type-no-inst ] | all | inactive ] [ include-default ],显示当前配置信息。 执行命令display this,显示当前视图的运行配置信息。 对于某些正在生效的配置参数,如果与缺省工作参数相同,则不显示;对于...
在EMR控制台中YARN服务的配置页面,查找YARN_TIMELINESERVER_OPTS参数(Hadoop集群为yarn_timelineserver_opts),并在此参数值后添加-Djava.util.logging.config.file=off-logging.properties,指定刚刚创建的配置文件位置。 保存上述配置更改后,重启TimelineServer组件使新设置生效。持续观察一段时间,如果TimelineServer组件正常启...
If you have run the save config-filename command to back up the current configurations and still want to deliver a new configuration, you need to run the save config-filename command again to back up the new configuration to the configuration file. This ensures that the new configuration is...
(b2) Inoltra le query del dominio locale al DNS upstream: Indica a dnsmasq che le ricerche del nome host all'interno del dominio locale del router dovrebbero essere inoltrate al DNS upstream configurato sulla tua interfaccia WAN. Utile se il tuo DNS upstream è, ad esempio, un server W...
$ ./bootstrap.sh Usage: bootstrap.sh [options] -s, --sync Synchronizes dotfiles to home directory -l, --link Create symbolic links -i, --install Install (extra) software -c, --config Configures your system -a, --all Does all of the above $ ./bootstrap.sh -a ...
Raadpleeg limieten en configuratie in Power Automate voor Power Automate.In deze referentiehandleiding worden de limieten en configuratie-informatie voor Azure Logic Apps en gerelateerde resources beschreven. Op basis van uw scenario, oplossingsvereisten, de gewenste mogelijkheden en de omgeving...
sudo ./install.pl --config ./ofed_alibaba_cloud3.conf --distro RHEL8 sudo dracut -f 执行以下命令,确认/usr/src/ofa_kernel/`uname -r`目录是否存在。 目录存在,则直接执行下一步。 ls /usr/src/ofa_kernel/`uname -r` 目录不存在,则先执行以下命令创建软链接,再执行下一步。
yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo 1. 查看有哪些版本的docker-ce yum list docker-ce --showduplicates 1. k8s对应最新的版本19.03会有warning提醒,所以我下载的是18.09 yum install -y docker-ce-18.09.8-3.el7 ...
> copy %DCM4CHEE_ARC%\ldap\opendj\* %OPENDJ_HOME%\config\schema\ [Windows] Run OpenDJ GUI based setup utility > $OPENDJ_HOME/setup Log the values chosen for LDAP Listener port (1389) Root User DN (cn=Directory Manager) Root User Password (secret) ...
Nota 1:Se il tuo ISP fornisce un indirizzo IP Dinamico alla tua rete, il tuo indirizzo IP WAN potrebbe cambiare anche dopo aver applicato le impostazioni. Configura l'impostazione ASUS DDNSper impostare un nome di dominio fisso. Nota 2:L'impostazione Broadcast Support in3-(2)consente trasf...