The Widow Hucheloup was breathless and misshapen and given to rustic recollections. She deprived them of their flatness by her pronunciation. She had a way of her own of saying things, which spiced her reminiscences of the village and of her springtime. It had formerly been her delight, so ...
Brandy#87413f American brown#804040 Bole#79443b Deep scarlet (Kokiake)#7b3b3a Tuscan red#7c4848 Intermediately Related Dark cornflower blue#26428b Cerulean blue#2a52be African violet#b284be Absolute Zero#0048ba Russian violet#32174d Distantly Related Aqua#00ffff / #0ff White#ffffff / #...
and Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce 16 干拌牛舌 Ox Tongue in Chilli Sauce 17 干拌顺风 Pig's Ear in Chilli Sauce 18 怪味牛腱 Spiced Beef 19 桂花糖藕 Sliced Lotus Root with Sweet Sauce 20 果茶山药 Chinese Yam with Nectar 21 红果山药 Chinese Yam and Hawthorn 22 红心鸭卷 Duck Meat Rolls with...