e accent aigu: é的音素是闭音[e], 它的发音方法是舌尖抵住下齿内侧, 两嘴角往外略拉, 舌前部略向上抬. 读起来类似英文字母A, 或者汉字"诶". e accent grave, e accent circonflexe et e tréma: è, ê和ë的音素都是开音[ε], 它的发音方法是舌尖平抵下齿, 舌前部稍隆起. 读起来类似英语中...
grave′ ac′cent (greɪv, grɑv) n. a mark (`) placed over a vowel esp. to indicate that the vowel is open or lax, as Frenchè,has distinct syllabic value, as in Englishbelovèd,or that the vowel or the syllable it is in has secondary stress or is pronounced with a low or ...
Quand faut-il mettre un accent aigu sur le E? 什么时候要在E上放闭口音符? Mettre un accent aigu sur le E ou plutôt un accent grave? Vous faites probablement partie des personnes qui s'interrogent sur quel accent mettre sur le E. Vous hésitez probablement sur la position de chacun de ...
授予 grave n.坟墓 a.严重的 grieve vt.使悲痛 vi.悲痛 grind vt.磨(碎);磨快 grip vt.握紧,抓牢 n.紧握 groan vi.哼,呻吟 n.呻吟 grocer n.食品商;杂货商 gross a.总的;严重的 gulf n.海湾 gum n.口香糖;树胶 h halt vi.停止;立定 n.停住 handkerchief n.手帕 hare n.野兔 harsh a.严厉的...
For example, press Alt+0233 for é (e with acute accent aigu), Alt+0232 for è (e with a grave accent), Alt-0235 for ë (e with umlaut accent), or Alt+0234 for ê (e with circumflex accent) also known as e L’Accent Circonflexe in French. This method requires that the ...
grave accent greɪv 'æk,sɛnt Related Words (Sorted by part of speech, numbered word sense. May need to scroll content.) (名) As a noun A mark (`) placed above a vowel to indicate pronunciation. Synonyms:grave New Search ...
As we’ve discussed, the accent above the firstelisted above is called an acute accent. The accent above the secondelisted above is called a grave accent. The grave accent is almost exclusively used in French; it marks letters that should be pronounced as an “eh” sound, not treated as...
Did you know that French was originally a dialect of Latin? Find out more about the French language and how easy it is to learn with eLanguage software.
accentuieren[德]加重,加重音。accentuiren[德]同上。 acceso[意]闪烁的发光的,灿烂辉煌的,有光彩的。acciaccare[意]骤然有力地奏和弦。 acciaccato[意](原意:破裂的,被挤碎的)(1)一瞬间依次自低到高奏出一个和弦内的几个音;(2)骤然有力的。Accidental〔英〕临时记号。 Accomp.accompaniment之缩写。
on offshore call centers. Concerns raised by business and consumer callers regarding offshore call centers; Ratio of business customers who have experienced a security or privacy concern on the telephone with an offshore center.MorrisJeffOperations & Fulfillment...