62 in new mexico high schools abq charter academy 405 dr. martin luther king jr. albuquerque, new mexico 87102 gordon bernell charter 2821 4th street nw albuquerque, new mexico 87107 los puentes charter 4012 4th st. nw albuquerque, new mexico 87107 gilbert l sena...
The article discusses the use of professional development plans (PDPs) at South Valley Academy (SVA), a charter school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, as a way to evaluate teacher effectiveness. Topics discussed include holding teachers accountable for student academic performance, the importance of ...
Session presented at the Association of College Unions International Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM. Mar. 2002 Bridges, B. K., & Harper, S. R. Using the National Survey of Student Engagement as an indicator of quality at HBCUs. Session presented at the National Association of Student ...