(cost, quality, on-time delivery and profit margins) - Monitor milestones and key activities within project timeline - Responsible for people resources and workload allocation; ensure all team members have sufficient training and skills for assigned tasks and proper staffing is maintained - Regular ...
任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历; 2.有4年以上Staffing业务技术岗位交付/招聘/客户管理/销售经验,熟悉ITO业务流程,互联网客户优先 3.管理过100左右的外包人员,有从0-1项目开拓经验优先 4.能够很好的推动项目,较好的组织沟通能力; 5.有新业务开发、管理及搭建团队的经验; 6.优秀的领导力,较强的客户关系管理及团队...
Bucklandis another top people leader with over 20 years of experience in recruitment and HR strategies. His specialties lie in various areas within HR functions, including but not limited to staffing, onboarding, DEI, community management, headhunting, negotiating, internal rec...
vmware·Staffing Partner 竞争力分析 加载中... 个人综合排名:在人中排名第 一般 良好 优秀 极好 BOSS 安全提示 BOSS直聘严禁用人单位和招聘者用户做出任何损害求职者合法权益的违法违规行为,包括但不限于扣押求职者证件、收取求职者财物、向求职者集资、让求职者入股、诱导求职者异地入职、异地参加培训、违法违规...
工作职责: Responsibilities: Work as the onsite recruiter role to support TA team on staffing related matters Leverage & manage various recruitment channels including direct sourcing, job boards, internal & internal referral to ensure the result requested by client Deliver the hiring and...