KSZTACENIE DZIECI I MODZIEY Z ZABURZENIAMI ZE SPEKTRUM AUTYZMU - W KIERUNKU NOWEGO MODELU EDUKACJIdoi:10.5604/01.3001.0054.6607The article indicates the difficulties resulting from autism spectrum disorders and the path of diagnosing a child. An analysis was made of definin...
Ewa PisulaPaulina WoźniakRekuckaWoźniak-Rekucka P, Pisula E. Temperament dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmu jako czynnik warunkujący stres rodzicow - przegląd badań. Psychol. Etol. Gen. 2011; 24; 45-61.
TRUDNOCI POKARMOWE U DZIECI ZE SPEKTRUM AUTYZMU - PROPOZYCJA STRATEGII ROZSZERZANIA DIETY U DZIECKA Z ASDdoi:10.5604/01.3001.0014.9546The article presents terminology of the autism spectrum disorder and diagnostic criteria. The sensory processing processes and types of sensory...
However with a high probability it is known that the pathogenesis of characterized disorders is multifactorial. One of the aspects that could have a negative impact on the patient's behavior is abnormal distribution of gluten, casein, and probably another nutrients, which is the result of ...
By emphasizing strengths, it fosters a sense of competence and cultivates independence, enabling individuals to navigate challenges autonomously. An example of such resources is psychological resilience, which refers to the personal reservoir that facilitates positive adaptation to demanding...
DOWIADCZENIA MATEK DZIECI ZE SPEKTRUM AUTYZMU W OBLICZU WIELOGOSOWOCI WIEDZY I PRAKTYK DOTYCZCYCH AUTYZMUdoi:10.5604/01.3001.0013.6412Despite the progress that has been made in recent years in diagnosing autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and in approaches towards problems face...
Edukacja w dobie pandemii oczami nauczycieli wspóorganizujcych proces ksztacenia i rodziców dzieci ze spektrum autyzmudoi:10.17951/j.2022.35.4.43-61The article deals with the issue of distance learning on children with autism spectrum disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic....
Psychologiczne problemy rodzin dzieci z zaburzeniami ze spektrum autyzmudoi:10.34616/wwr.2020.2.167.177Introduction. Autism diagnosis can be an enormous shock for the parents. They have to cope, not only with psychological difficulties, but also with financial and therapeutical ...
ROBOTY HUMANOIDALNE W TERAPII DZIECI Z ZABURZENIAMI ZE SPEKTRUM AUTYZMU – SZANSE I ZAGROENIAdoi:10.18290/rkult24152.3Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are due to many etiological factors and despite the constant interest of researchers they constitute an intriguing mystery. The incidence...
Nauczanie podsystemu leksykalnego w edukacji przedszkolnej dzieci ze spektrum autyzmu oraz zespoem Aspergeradoi:10.14746/n.2021.57.1.5WARSAW (Poland)CHILDREN with autism spectrum disordersMULTIPLE intelligencesPRESCHOOL childrenSPECIAL educationAUTISTIC children...