W PRZEDSZKOLU JESTEM TROCHĘ GRZECZNY, A TROCHĘ NIEGRZECZNY – CZYLI O ETYKIECIE JĘZYKOWEJ DZIECI W WIEKU PRZEDSZKOLNYM1This paper is dedicated to verbal manners of expressing politeness/impoliteness by pre-school children. The research is based on the collected corpus of authentic ...
Children are particularly sensitive to pollutants. The reason for this is that, according to body weight, they breathe in more air than adults. Moreover, due to rapid growth, their immature immune system is more vulnerable to damage than already mature organisms. Children aged 3 to 6 spend la...
Pilecka, MagorzataNauki o Wychowaniu. Studia Interdyscyplinarne
ADAPTACJA I INTEGRACJA DZIECI Z UKRAINY W MIEJSKIM PRZEDSZKOLU NR 8 MONTESSORI W JAROSAWIUdoi:10.52934/eto.190The war in Ukraine has greatly affected Ukrainian children who have come to Poland. Polish kindergartens took in many children from Ukraine. As a result, teachers faced...
Funkcjonowanie dzieci z zaburzeniami przetwarzania sensorycznego we wspóczesnym przedszkolu i szkoledoi:10.35464/1642-672X.PS.2020.3.10Children with sensory processing disorders constitute a growing group in kindergartens and schools. It is estimated that up to...
Smyk, PaulinaZreda-Pikies, AnetaSimińska, JoannaCzarnecki, DamianLewicka, MartaKurylak, AndrzejPaediatrics & Family Medicine / Pediatria i Medycyna Rodzinna