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DZ Engineering, a company belonging to the DINO ZOLI GROUP, designs and builds systems and integrated solutions in the electrical, lighting and telecommunications fields. It operates in the public and private sector, offering customised solutions with a high technological content to all its customers....
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Lastly, the MD4 hashs are seeded witharc4random(3)instead of withtime(3). (This function is provided on a number of operating systems.) This is only applicable when running openrsync in server mode, as the server generates the seed. ...
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Model and implementation of a self-adaptive social navigation system for public information systems. Informatyka Ekonomiczna= Business Informatics, 2013, Nr 3 (29), s. 9-29 Wprowadzenie sprzezenia zwrotnego umozliwia rozszerzenie usprawnien w organizacji struktur informacyjnych. W artykule pokazano...
SQL Server 2008/R2 for Embedded Systems*2019. gada 9. jūlijs2020. gada 14. jūlijsotrdiena, 2021. gada 13. jūlijs2022. gada 12. jūlijsKritiski Windows Server 2008/R2 (Datacenter, Standard, Enterprise)**2020. gada 14. janvāris2021. gada 12. janvāris2022. gada 11. janvāris2023....
Comparing 2D and 3D AOI Systems: Automated Optical Inspection for Quality PCBs Automated Optical Inspection (AOI) systems are essential for maintaining quality in the production of printed circuit boards. MORE Your Guide to High-Quality Glue Dispensing Machines ...
Windows XP Professional for Embedded Systems. Šis produkts ir identisks ar xp Windows, bet paplašinātais atbalsts beidzās 2014. gada 8. aprīlī. Windows XP Embedded Service Pack 3 (SP3). Šī ir oriģinālā rīkkopa un Windows XP versija. Tas tika sākotnēji izlaists 2002. ...
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