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DYXnet Group was among the first ICT service providers in Greater China to obtain ISO ISO/IEC 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 and ISO 9001:2015 international certification for information security, international IT service management and quality control, respectively. These accreditations demonstrate...
DYXnetGroup行政总裁柯文达表示:“我们的SD-WAN解决方案为客户提供非凡的用户体验,同时有助降低客户的网络成本高达50%。” DYXnetGroup香港总部已率先于今年4月中正式发布SD-WAN服务,接着是台湾,现在是中国大陆。 中国信通院产业与规划研究所副主任胡海波于北京的媒体交流会上表示:“从DYXnetGroup明确跨境业务开始到配合...
DYXnet Group was represented by CEO Wing-Dar Ker and COOJacky Wan. Wing gave a keynote address entitled "Combining Multiple state-of-the-art SD-WAN Technologies to Create an Easy-to-Manage Professional Network". ...
DYXnet Group CEO Wing-Dar Ker said: "We are delighted to receive this award for the second time since 2016, especially as my team worked so hard to meet such demanding judging criteria for the Gold Award." He added: "As a r...
Wing said: "I am honoured to succeed Lap Man as CEO of DYXnet Group. He is a serial entrepreneur and respected leader, who has developed DYXnet Group into a mature, respected and well-structured business. I am now looking forward to working with DYXnet's 500-strong team to serv...
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Red Star Macalline Group has worked with DYXnet since 2012. DYXnet has given us the greatest support all along the way, from initial 10+ stores to current 200+, and helped us on the nationwide network construction which optimize our cost and improve our network efficiency. We look forward to...