This movie (loosely adapted from the novel of same name) is focused on the life of the last human being in the environment of the vampire-infested Manhattan. Surrounded by hostile environment, our lone protagonist must learn to survive in this dystopian land and maintain his drive to find the...
Fahrenheit 451 is a story of a seventeen-year-old girl named Clarisse who question the world and thus challenges the Guy Montag’s ideas. This novel may contain dangerous censorship; however, it was originally critics to the society. 6.The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood The story is to...
H.G. Wells' 19th-century novel The Time Machine follows a time traveler into the future, 80,000 years beyond his life to a world of two races: the Eloi and the Morlocks. Mirroring the duality of man, these separate classes paint a picture of a terrible future for all of humankind. Wi...
In this popular recent novel, Emily St. John Mandel explores the meaning of humanity by stripping away all the conditions that made it what it is. Rather than surprising you with fantastical mutations, Station Eleven leaves a deep impression on you by showing you what extreme conditions can do...
Read Dystopian Short Stories, teach and learn the genre with ideas from this resource guide. Overview of dystopian fiction, recommended stories, quotes, discussion questions and useful links.
How can dystopian fiction be valuable? Just like many other books, dystopian novels offer an opportunity to discuss a biblical worldview of the issues they raise. Naturally, mature children or those whose parents are reading along with them will be better equipped to critique those ideas. The ...
So on that note, i can’t wait to get into the second book here since i’m really curious how things will turn out. People are planting ideas, people are planting lies, and those who are in power are abusing it for their own worth. I can’t wait to see what’s next. Enjoy!
Sometimes a novel’s originality is less a matter of affirmation than an act of refusal. Refusal to go along with received ideas of how to tell a story or create verisimilitude or even how words signify. Saying no opens up new space, or at least points towards what has been neglected by...
I’ve always loved reading and I’ve been writing for fun ever since I can remember. I’d wanted to write a novel ever since my teens, but because of my tendency to start things and not finish, I never thought I’d actually do it. I have a file full of stories with beginnings, ...
As if that’s not enough, “…[i]n his novel,The Age Of Intelligent Machines, Kurzweil predicted: the fall of the Soviet Union by 1991; a computer’s beating the best human players at chess by 2000; and, wireless Internet’s becoming practical for mainstream use in the early 21st centu...