Effectiveness of Schema Therapy based on Integrative Metaphorical-Allegorical Narrative Training in the Treatment of Dysthymic DisorderMaladaptive schemas, according to Young, Klosko and Weishaar (2003), are defined as andrelate mainly to the lack of basic emotional needs met in childhood and a lack ...
Somatic side effects were common prior to duloxetine treatment and improved rather than worsened with duloxetine. There were no serious adverse events.Duloxetine at relatively high doses showed moderate efficacy in elderly patients with dysthymic disorder and was well tolerated in successful completers....
Effectiveness of Spiritually Augmented Psychotherapy on Dysfunctional Attitudes in Patients with Dysthymic DisorderBackground: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of spiritually augmented psychotherapy (SAPT) on the dysfunctional attitudes of patients with dysthymic disorder.Methods: A mixed...
Browne G, Steiner M, Roberts J, et al. Sertraline and/or interpersonal psychotherapy for patients with dysthymic disorder in primary care: 6-month comparison with longitudinal 2-year follow-up of effectiveness and costs. J Affect Dis. 2002; 68 :317–30....