22.恶劣心境障碍(dysthymicdisorder) 是指一种以持久的心境低落状态为主的轻度抑郁, 从不出现躁狂发作。常伴有焦虑、 … wenku.baidu.com|基于 1 个网页 2. 心境恶劣障碍症 现在,我们把轻微的慢性抑郁症称为“心境恶劣障碍症(dysthymicdisorder)”。尽管这个词听起来专业而复杂,它的意思其实再 … ...
Synonyms Chronic low-grade depression ; Dysthymia ; Neurotic Depression Definition Dysthymic disorder is a mood disorder that is characterized by chronic mild depression. To meet DSM-IV criteria of dysthymic disorder, an individual must have "depressed mood for most of the day, for more days ...
Dysthymic disorderrefers to moderate Depression that persists for two (2) years or more. Moreover, it is aMooddisorder involvingchronicDepressionof lessintensitythan majordepressive disorders; involvingdepressed mood, with lowself-esteem,withdrawal,pessimism, ordespair, present for at least 2 years, ...
1) dysthymic disorder 恶劣心境障碍1. A clinical study of the effect of composite therapy on patients with dysthymic disorder; 恶劣心境障碍患者综合治疗前后听觉事件诱发电位的变化2. Objective To investigate the effect of Jiawei Sini powder on monoamine neuro transmitters in striatum of rat dysthymic...
Dysthymic Disorderdoi:10.1007/978-1-4419-1005-9_100523DysthymiaSpringer New YorkEncyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine
mood disorder (redirected fromdysthymic mood disorder) Medical Encyclopedia Related to dysthymic mood disorder:dysthymia n. Any of a group of psychiatric disorders, including depression and bipolar disorder, characterized by a pervasive disturbance of mood. Also calledaffective disorder. ...
The meaning of DYSTHYMIA is a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (such as eating and sleeping disturbances, fatigue, and poor self-esteem) —called also dysthymic disorder.
Depression , dysthymic disorder , lack of interest and energy loss , is moderate depression and one of the characteristics of typical performance . 情绪低落、心境恶劣、缺乏兴趣和精力减退,是中度抑郁症典型表现和特征之一。 dysthymic相邻词汇 dystocia是什么意思dystonia是什么意思dystonic是什么意思dysthymia是...
Childhood-Onset Dysthymic Disorder: Clinical Features and Prospective Naturalistic Outcome To characterize the clinical presentation, course, and outcome of childhood-onset dysthymic disorder and assess the predictive validity of this diagnosis. ... M Kovacs,HS Akiskal,C Gatsonis,... - 《Archives of...