Imipramine, certain selective serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) reuptake inhibitors and moclobemide may be of benefit, particularly in patients with 'double depression', in whom major depressive episodes complicate an underlying dysthymic disorder....
What is a persistent depressive disorder commonly referred to as? Persistent depressive disorder is commonly referred to as chronic depression. This is due to the lack of episodes of depression, rather a tonic status of depressive symptoms that rarely go away. ...
PDD with intermittent major depressive episodes, with current episode:In the last two years, there have been periods of at least two months that didn’t meet the full criteria for a major depressive episode. But the individual is currently experiencing a major depressive episode. ...
Imipramine, certain selective serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT) reuptake inhibitors and moclobemide may be of benefit, particularly in patients with ‘double depression’, in whom major depressive episodes complicate an underlying dysthymic disorder. 展开 ...
16 Second, because prior studies have described abnormal function and connectivity of the DMN in adults with MDD,7,17 we aimed to determine whether this abnormality generalizes to dysthymia—a chronic form of depression—or is specific to major depressive episodes—an acute form of depression. ...
Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia. 双相情感障碍,也叫做躁郁症,并不像重度抑郁症或心境恶劣一样普遍。 People with dysthymia may also experience one or more episodes of major depression during their lifetimes. ...
美 英[dɪs'θaɪmɪə] n.心境恶劣;精神抑郁症;情绪不良;胞胸腺能障碍 网络恶劣心境;轻郁症;心境恶劣障碍 英汉 英英 网络释义 n. 1. 心境恶劣 2. 精神抑郁症 3. 情绪不良 4. 胞胸腺能障碍 5. 心情恶劣 6. 消沉 例句
(3) with intermittent major depressive episodes, with current episode: full criteria for major depressive episodes are currently met but there have been periods of at least 8 weeks in the last 2 years when major depression criteria have not been met; and (4) with intermittent major depressive ...
互联网 People withdysthymiamay also experience one or more episodes of major depression during their lifetimes. 它并不一定使个人致残,但是能使个人正常机能受损或不能感到心情舒服. 互联网 Bipolar disorder, also called manic depressive illness, is not as common as major depression ordysthymia. ...
RESULTS: Although the mean duration of dysthymia was about 30 years and almost half of the patients had previous episodes of major depression, only 41.3% had been treated with antidepressants and 56.1% with psychotherapy. A past history of major depression increased the frequency of prior ...