The meaning of DYSTHYMIA is a mood disorder characterized by chronic mildly depressed or irritable mood often accompanied by other symptoms (such as eating and sleeping disturbances, fatigue, and poor self-esteem) —called also dysthymic disorder.
depression; despondency or a tendency to be despondent. Discover More Other Words From dys·thy micadjective Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofdysthymia1 1840–50;<New Latin<Greekdysthymía;dys-,-thymia Discover More Compare Meanings ...
The objective approach was used because the objects as a part of the research are themes, meaning and message in Elton John's song. The historical approach was used To find basic clues related to the events behind the lyrics writing in the current times. Here, one song was selected. The ...
The three major purposes considered being the main problems in analyzing Elton John song were to: (1) Finding out the themes of Elton John song, (2) figuring out the meaning expressed by author, and, (3) describing the message inspiring the song writing. This study uses a descriptive ...
cultural meaningfootballleisureIn their article titled "A Placebo-Controlled, Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Sertraline and Imipramine for the Treatment of Dysthymia," Thase et al1come to the conclusion that pharmacotherapy provides considerable relief from the symptoms of dysthymia, with both ...
Results from logistic regression analyses indicated that purpose and meaning in life and attachment anxiety were the most important protective factors against having dysthymia. These results suggest that mental health professionals may need to integrate these protective factors into the treatment of ...