Introduction: Dysthymia is defined in ICD-10 as a chronic depression of mood which does not currently fulfil the criteria for recurrent depressive disorder, mild or moderate severity, in terms of either severity or duration of individual episodes. Although it only entered the psychiatric ...
Based on the balance of evidence, current official classification systems such as the ICD-10 and DSM-IV, have dropped the neurotic-endogenous dichotomy. The new terminology has drawn attention to a large universe of human suffering that had been ignored throughout much of the 20th century, and...
ICD-10DSM-IVdepressiondysthymiasubstance usediagnostic concordanceThe present study examined the diagnostic concordance between ICD-10 and DSM-IV in the depressive disorders, dysthymic disorder and substance dependence and substance harmful use/abuse disorder. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (...
Implantable cardioverter defib ICD Shocks back to normal when it sees problem Pacemaker Controls rate not rhythm ICD teaching Arm restrictions, direct blows, mri, no flying/antitheft devices, what to do if it fires, medic alert, cargivers learn cpr Why are anticoagulant used For blood clot side...
is conducted to confirm eligibility for the study and to explore potential ICD-10 diagnoses that would require exclusion. At the same time, the M.I.N.I. is used to confirm the depression diagnosis (former or present). Participants who fulfil the eligibility criteria are informed about the ...
ents with dysthymia P.1.026 An open study with sertraline in outpatients with dysthymiaP.1.026 An open study with sertraline in outpatients with dysthymiadoi:10.1016/S0924-977X(97)88476-3A.ChinchillaandM.VegaandA.CebolladaSDOSEuropean Neuropsychopharmacology...
The diagnoses were made according to ICD-10. Two scales of quality of life were used, one of which was specific for schizophrenia, while the other was generic for all patients. On inter-group comparison the two schizophrenia groups did not show significant differences in quality of life, but...
The mystery of this incapacitating depressive subtype 鈥 long recognized but only recently sanctioned in the DSM-IV and ICD-10 鈥 is that, in their habitual condition, those suffering from dysthymia lack the classical 'objective' or 'major' signs of acute clinical depression, such as ...
From 507 in patients in general hospitals 15.6% met criteria of dysthymia according to ICD-10. Total sample constituted 107 patients, 87 (81.3%) women and 20 (18.7%) men. Mean age was 40 ± 4.4 years. Duration of dysthymia constituted in average 2.8 ± 1.1 years. The symptoms have ...
(following ICD-10 and DSM-III criteria), between them: sociodemographical facts, family and personal previous psychiatric disease, clinic characteristics and therapeutical aspects (kind of therapy, evolution and response during 24 months).We've used: clinic history of the patient, personal interview...