In this way, following the example of the natural binary Gray code, the matrix of language changes is generated, where nine categories can be distinguished. The proposed model of language variants can also be applied to the description of multilingual situations.Aleksander Kilklewicz...
加捻乱麻 SP-DYSCD001 【返回】
Nie ma wątpliwości, że powrót studentów i pracowników na uczelnie będzie obwarowany wieloma wytycznymi i ograniczeniami dotyczącymi zapewnienia dystansu społecznego. Jakie jednak będą konkretne zalecenia i wytyczne odnoszące się do tego, jak...
nov. (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea Encyrtidae), a biocontrol agent of Dysmicoccus grassii (Leonardi) (Hemiptera Coccoidea Pseudococcidae) on banana in the Canary Islands (Spain)Acerophagus artelles sp. nov. (Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea Encyrtidae), a biocontrol agent of Dysmicoccus grassii (Leonardi) (...
and its methyl ester, 11-oxoaerothionin, aerothionin, 11-keto-12-hydroxyaerothionin, 11-ketofistularin-3 and fistularin-3 from Aplysina fistularis, as well as of furodysinin lactone and 9#945;,11#945;-epoxicholest-7-en-3#946;,5#945;,6#945;,10-tetrol-6-acetate from Dysidea sp....
Two new alkaloids, dysideanins A (1) and B (2), along with two known diketopiperazines, cyclo-(Pro-Leu) (3) and cyclo-(Pro-Ile) (4), were isolated from the marine sponge Dysidea sp. The structures were established from NMR and MS analysis. Dysideanin B (2) exhibited antibacterial...
Mtcldyssp 24-03-9 21:54 发布于 辽宁 来自 微博轻享版 //@xxscsssx :“斯德哥尔摩综合症”这个黄谣的诞生就是为了迫使一个聪慧坚韧的女性服从自己的权威,阻碍她的发声。一个完全没有经过任何考据证实,缺乏案例佐证的词语能如此广泛流传正是体现了男人们对“造黄谣”这一建立在性别压迫之上的手段得心应...
Mtcldyssp 24-02-22 09:26 发布于 辽宁 来自 微博轻享版 //@我的mbti是emtf :男人的团结是一种权力的团结,自下到上都心照不宣,有时根本不需要通气,处在每个位置的男的都会自觉自发自愿替“兄弟”遮掩,降低事态严重性。从学校的包庇到全网推送的女教师,都是他们操纵权力的一环 @反射弧超长星人影九...
DYS707NHS1 ZG750 利安德巴塞尔 PP DYS707N HS1 SP179 RM2091 T20H563 产品名称:利安德巴塞尔PP 产地:沙特、荷兰、韩国 加工性能:挤出成型或注塑成型(加工工艺参考请来电详询) 特性:良好的冲击性,良好的刚性,食品可接触,加工性好。 应用:电器部件、食品容器、汽车部件、生活日用品等。 聚丙烯,简称PP,是由聚烯...
A new sesterterpene tetronic acid, isopalinurin (1), has been isolated from an Australian marine sponge, Dysidea sp., collected in Bass Strait. Isopalinuri... L Murray,A Sim,J Rostas,... - 《Australian Journal of Chemistry》 被引量: 56发表: 1993年 Using Scalarane Sesterterpenes To Exa...