This article presents the Management of Dyspnea Guidelines for Practice. The guidelines direct the clinician to help adult patients with COPD overcome the disabling effects of dyspnea by helping patients to master combining controlled breathing with activity exertion and by desensitizing them to dyspnea....
Twitter Google Share on Facebook noc·tur·nal dysp·ne·a dyspnea occurring at night, several hours after assuming recumbent position. Occurs in heart failure and results from reabsorption of water from dependent areas after removal of effect of gravity, causing hypervolemia, and aggravating left...
and data are emerging on pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for the management of dyspnea.43,44Dyspnea has been referred to as an important “patient-driven agenda,” in an effort to highlight symptom burden as well as survival in advanced heart disease.45Although the primary treatment...
(強烈) Very strong(很強烈) Extremely strong (非常強烈) Heavy (嚴重) -“Strongest I” (最強烈) > 11 Absolute Maximum(絕對最大 Highest possible(最值) 高可能) Note: For correct usage and instructions ,see Borg’s Perceived Exertion and Pain Scales by G.Borg,Champaign,IL :Human Kinetice; ...
Dyspnea: mechanisms, assessment, and management: a consensus statement. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 1999;159:321–40. Article Google Scholar Borg E, Kaijser L. A comparison between three rating scales for perceived exertion and two different work tests. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2006;16:57...
英[dɪs'pni:ə] 美[dɪsp'niə] 是什么意思 n. 呼吸困难; 英英释义 dyspnea[ disp'ni:ə ] n.difficult or labored respiration 同义词:dyspnoea 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) There may be dyspnea after exertion. 运动后会呼吸困难。
Note:Forcorrectusageandinstructions,seeBorg’sPerceivedExertion andPainScalesbyG.Borg,Champaign,IL:HumanKinetice;1998. 譯自:美國臨床癌症醫學會,學習課程2001版 (Diagnosis)() 呼吸速率,PO2,血氧分析等,皆無 法與喘氣感覺有對等相關。 臨床診斷的程度與患者治療的目標卻 ...
Treatment / Management Acute dyspnea typically is due to a more life-threatening process and requires rapid intervention. All patients should be placed on supplemental oxygen, pulse oximetry, and a cardiac monitor. Then the appropriate therapy should be initiated based on the suspected or diagnosed ...
英文: The main contributing factors for impatient management were coma (.7%),clonus (8.%)cand dyspnea (%). 中文: 需要住院患者中临床症状居前 位的分别是昏迷(·7%)、抽搐(8·%)、气促(·0%)。更详细... 英文: The most common clinical manifestations of CTDaPAH were dyspnea on exertion(8.%...
Share on Facebook dysp·ne·a scale (disp-nē'ă skāl) Subjective four-step scale used to describe shortness of breath (+1 mild to +4 severe). Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add ...