Gjerde, P. F., & Westenberg, P. M. (1998). Dysphoric adolescents as young adults: A prospective study of the psychosocial sequelae of depressed mood in adolescence. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 8, 377- 402.Dysphoric adolescents as young adults: A prospective study of the psychosocial...
Effects of ruminative and distracting responses to depressed mood on retrieval of autobiographical memories. Four studies explored the effects of self-focused rumination vs. distraction on dysphoric and nondysphoric students' retrieval of autobiographical memories... Lyubomirsky,SonjaCaldwell,ND Nolen-...
Toward the content validity of premenstrual dysphoric disorder: do anger and irritability more than depressed mood represent treatment-seekers' experiences? Psychol Rep 2002; 90:189-202.Hartlage SA, Arduino KE. Toward the content validity of premenstru- al dysphoric disorder: do anger and ...
Combining an SSRI with an anticonvulsant in depressed patients with dysphoric mood: an open study. Clin. Pract. Epidemiol. Ment. Health. 3, 3.Pasquini M,Picardi A,Speca A,et al.Combining an SSRIwith an anticonvulsant in depressed patients with dysphoricmood:an open study. Clin Pract Epidem...
The mood symptoms -such as irritability, depressed mood and emotional lability- are prominent and cause social, laboral and interpersonal impairment. Often these symptoms are accompanied by various somatic complaints, such as breast tenderness and a sense of bloating. To be defined as PMDD,...
METHODS: Premenstrual symptoms, mood (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS), causal attributions, and use of cognitive and behavioural coping strategies were examined during 6 months of both treatments. The two treatment groups were then combined and divided on the basis of good vs. poor ...
Of note, the clinical manifestation of IDD is very similar to that of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PDD), which is characterized by a variety of emotional states (irritability, anger, depressed mood, anxiety, and ‘marked affective lability), with only one of them having to be present to ...
An analysis of alcohol’s effects during these same four phases of the menstrual cycle also showed no differences on subjective measures (e.g. ARCI, Profile of Mood States) and physiological variables (e.g. heart rate, blood pressure) [44]. Other behaviors such as flight simulator performance...