The meaning of DYSPHORIA is a state of feeling very unhappy, uneasy, or dissatisfied. How to use dysphoria in a sentence.
Growing up with alcoholic parents can produce dysphoria and low self-esteem in adulthood. One cannot predict the nature and extent of the damage caused by the current economic and social dysphoria. Discover More Other Words From dys·phor·ic[dis-, fawr, -ik, -, for, -],adjective ...
Existential dysphoria: This involves dissatisfaction related to one's sense of purpose or meaning in life. It can manifest as a feeling of emptiness or a sense of being disconnected from others or from the world around you. These are just a few examples of the different types of dysphoria th...
The term “self-medication” to refer to people's use of substances to alleviate psychiatric symptoms or other negative mood states has been used in so many different ways that there is little consensus in the scientific community as to its meaning. To avoid confusion, we use the term “alle...
Medical treatments for such “disorders” often consisted of electroconvulsive therapy, lobotomy, and forced drugging. In 1966, Benjamin’s book, The Transsexual Phenomenon, raised awareness of the potential benefits of sex reassignment surgery,23 and, in 1979, The Harry Benjamin International Gender ...
“medical” in any way, like fixing a broken truck. They affirm gender. They relieve that pain of looking in the mirror and not seeing yourself as the right gender. People who have never experienced it generally have little ability to know what it’s like. But I don’t want to buy ...
The paper concludes with an exploration of the nature of personal illness as it relates to a wider cultural system of meaning. The findings demonstrate that the visible saint and her symptomatology are part of a cultural system which generates, promotes, patterns and frames the experience of ...
English contains dozens of words that begin withdys-. The prefix denotes the meaning ofbadordifficult. Mostdys-words are scientific terms, many of them dealing with pathologies. A few have entered the common general vocabulary. Here are the most commonly hearddys-words: ...
Bigender: which has the meaning of experiencing both gender identities in detail, this can happen simultaneously or separately [21]. Transsexual: a person who has faced or is facing a gender affirmation path through the assumption of hormones and medical-surgical interventions aimed at reaffirming th...
*bher-(1) Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to carry," also "to bear children." It forms all or part of:Aberdeen;amphora;anaphora;aquifer;auriferous;bairn;barrow(n.1) "frame for carrying a load;"bear(v.);bearing;Berenice;bier;birth;bring;burden(n.1) "a load;"carboniferous;Christopher...