指对自己的性别憎恶,除了不满之外,gender dysphoria与dysphoria有许多不同,有人认为单纯的憎恶自己性别,对自己性别不满,不宜使用genderdysphoria使用gender discontent或是gender aversion更加合适,故在ICD-11之中,使用“gender incongruence”。但是在性别烦躁的群体之中普遍存在着dysphoria的状态,故使用这个用法。 irritabili...
性别烦躁 指对自己的性别憎恶,除了不满之外,gender dysphoria与dysphoria有许多不同,有人认为单纯的憎恶自己性别,对自己性别不满,不宜使用genderdysphoria使用gender discontent或是gender aversion更加合适,故在ICD-11之中,使用“gender incongruence”...
In the ongoing revision of both DSM-IV and ICD-10, the future classification of the gender identity variants (GIVs) is highly controversial. Patient advocates see GIVs as natural variants that are pathologized and stigmatized by medical nomenclature. Biologically oriented clinicians deduce pathology ...
Gender identity disorders are described in both ICD-10 (including the categories of transsexualism, dual-role transvestism and gender identity disorder of childhood) and DSM-IV (gender identity disorder classified as occurring either in childhood or in adults). They are characterized by a persistent...
ICD-10: International Classification of Diseases 10 MtF: Male-to-female MTHFR: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase PAP: Papanicolaou PCOS: Polycystic ovarian syndrome PSA: Prostate-specific antigen SRS: Sex reassignment surgery TPHA: Treponema pallidum hemo agglutination US: Ultrasound VTE: ...
(ICD-11) [14], the former ICD-10 diagnosis “gender identity disorder” was removed and replaced with the new term “gender incongruence” in an effort to depathologize the condition. It was moved from Chapter F (“Mental and Behavioral Disorders”) to a separate chapter, “Conditions ...
人权观察在信函中指出,世界卫生组织(WHO)已于1990年将同性恋自国际疾病分类表(ICD)剔除,目前正采取措施,在即将公布的新版精神障碍类疾病中删除性别不安。 hrw.org Newer estimates for the prevalence of gender dysphoria are closer to one in ten thousand for both males and females. 据估计,性别焦躁症患...
Studies assessing prevalence rates of gender dysphoria in the general population are complex to undertake and most studies have examined trans people attending gender identity clinical services. Because most of these studies have been conducted in Europe, they have adopted theICD-10diagnostic term oftra...
This condition is still considered by the DSM-5 as a mental disorder, while the ICD-11 has redefined gender identity-related health, replacing outdated diagnostic categories like ICD-10’s “transsexualism” and “gender identity disorder of children” with “gender incongruence of adolescence and ...
Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD‐11: revising the ICD‐10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical ... sexual healthsexual dysfunctionstransgendergender dysphoriagender incongruenceparaphilic disorderssexual orientationDSM‐5In the World Health Organization...