Dyson Sphere Program Youthcat Studio 2021-01-13独立 中文 华人 7 想玩 42 在玩 852 玩过 869 已购买 10 在关注 列表 贡献 点评 举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 暂无评分 - . - 会员评分 7.8 浩瀚无垠的宇宙,未知的征程,作为戴森球计划的一名工程师,你将前往陌生的星系,建造戴森球。从一无所有...
An open-source, multiplayer mod for the gameDyson Sphere Program. Download Prerelease Note: This is the bleeding edge build, for the more stable build see below. You can use this one if you want to try out the latest development builds, which may contain bugs and unfinished work. ...
AWS S3 Access key: XXX (some non-empty string) Secret key: XXX (some non-empty string) Region: eu-west-1 Bucket: dyson-sphere-blueprints Endpoint: http://localhost:4566 SMTP SMTP Server: localhost:1025 HTTP Server: localhost:8025 (You can see the emails you have sent with WebUI)The...
克隆/下载 master DysonSphereProgramTool / LICENSE GNU General Public License v3.0 Permissions of this strong copyleft license are conditioned on making available complete source code of licensed works and modifications, which include larger works using a licensed work, under the same license. ...
Remarkably, this program identified seven strong candidates for sphere-bound stars. All seven stars highlighted by the study are M-dwarf stars — a class of main sequence stars that are smaller and dimmer than the sun. They are all located within 1,000 ligh...
program. It is originally designed for work in SETI to calculate what certain kinds of unnatural stellar populations would look like. Specifically, what would a galaxy look like if only stars less luminous than the Sun were cloaked in some way, such as being enclosed in a Dyson sphere?
An open-source, multiplayer mod for the gameDyson Sphere Program. Download Prerelease Note: This is the bleeding edge build, for the more stable build see below. You can use this one if you want to try out the latest development builds, which may contain bugs and unfinished work. ...
AWS S3 Access key: XXX (some non-empty string) Secret key: XXX (some non-empty string) Region: eu-west-1 Bucket: dyson-sphere-blueprints Endpoint: http://localhost:4566 SMTP SMTP Server: localhost:1025 HTTP Server: localhost:8025 (You can see the emails you have sent with WebUI)The...