James Dyson has made millions by allowing us to see the dirt we suck up. As he calls for more inventors, Lucy Siegle asks him about manufacturing abroad, design disasters and whether he could build a nuclear reactor. I am at Dyson HQ in Malmesbury, Wiltshire, the beacon of British indus...
Die Kabeltrommel, der HEPA Filter und der Motor lassen sich als Ersatzteile im Internet leicht beschaffen. Den Filter gibt es gegen 60, Motor und Kabeltrommel für etwa 80 Euro. 添加一条评论 添加一条评论 步骤11 Zusammenbau Beim Zusammenbau kann es leicht passieren, das die Kabeltrommel ...
I think the window of opportunity for large scale refurbing of machines is coming to an end. I’ll explain why I think that and we’ll maybe discuss. When James Dyson had the reigns of the company instead of Max Conze and the bean counters as we have now, they made good products that...
When James Dyson had the reigns of the company instead of Max Conze and the bean counters as we have now, they made good products that lasted. Great for consumers and folks like us who refurb stuff, but bad for the long term growth of Dyson.…Click here to continue reading this article...