Dyson推出全新Airwrap i.d. 智能多功能造型器,主打是Dyson美发家族中首款可连接蓝牙的智慧美发产品,和MyDyson APP配对后,就可以配合个人需求,输入发质状况及理想造型期待,智能设计造型流程,无需依赖高温即可完成吹干、顺直、卷发等专属造型。Dyson工程师研发了i.d. curl个性化卷发程序,通过Dyson Airwrap i.d. ...
戴森(Dyson)卷发器新品 Airwrap i.d. 推出了国行版(型号为 HS08),提供彩陶青、湛蓝紫两款配色,售价 3999 元。有两种类型:一种适用于直发和波浪卷,另一种适用于卷发和盘发,海外售价为 600 美元(当前约 4275 元)。新款Airwrap i.d.还推出了 3 款新附件:(1)锥形滚筒:多方向的,直径更小,仅为 20 毫米,...
Dyson推出全新Airwrap i.d. 智能多功能造型器,主打是Dyson美发家族中首款可连接蓝牙的智慧美发产品,和MyDyson APP配对后,就可以配合个人需求,输入发质状况及理想造型期待,智能设计造型流程,无需依赖高温即可完成吹干、顺直、卷发等专属造型。 Dyson工程师研发了i.d. curl个性化卷发程序,通过Dyson Airwrap i.d. 智能...
Dyson Airwrap i.d. Straight + Wavy Ceramic Patina/Topaz 499,00 € 7negozi Dyson Airwrap Multi-Hair Styler & Dryer Straight+Wavy Exclusive Edition 619,00 € 1negozio Dyson Airwrap Multi-Styler& Dryer Long Complete 4,4 Dyson Airwrap i.d. Multi-Haarstyler und -trockner Curly+Coily Exclusive ...
- 40mm AirwrapTMbarrels - Firm smoothing brush - Soft smoothing brush - Round volumising brush - Pre-styling dryer - Non-slip heat-resistant mat - Tan storage case Warranty: 2 year Dyson guarantee:click herefor more information Style Number: ...
Most searched for Airwrap Airstrait V15 Supersonic Air purifiers and heaters Spare parts Replacement battery Register warranty Your basket is empty. Your basket has items in it Continue to basket Secure Checkout Dyson DC59 Motorhead Exclusive vacuum Notify...
$599.00 Dyson Airwrap ID™ 智能卷发棒 大波浪/卷发款 查看详情 去购买 Sephora $499.00 Dyson Airstrait™ 直发吹风棒 查看详情 去购买 Sephora $39.00 Dyson Airwrap™ 大号圆梳头 查看详情 去购买 Sephora $599.99 Dyson Airwrap 卷发套装 绝美樱花粉 华丽回归 查看详情 去购买 Amazon $179.99...
Dyson Airwrap™ 打破了传统吹风造型的束缚,采用了戴森独有的数字电机技术,结合空气动力学原理,以极高的速度和精确的控制力为您的发型塑造出完美的造型。其流线型设计和简约的外观,彰显了戴森一贯的科技感和时尚气息,让您在打造时尚造型的同时,也拥有了一款极具观赏价值的美容利器。多功能的造型工具 Dyson ...
The Dyson AirwrapTM styler uses air to curl, creating voluminous, natural-looking curls and waves.Harnessing an aerodynamic phenomenon called the Coanda effect, the Dyson smoothing brushes attract hair to the surface of the brush, propelling air along the hair ...