Dysnomia was the ancient Greek personifiied spirit (daimona) of lawlessness and poor civil order. She was a companion of Adikia (Injustice), Ate (Ruin) and Hybris (Violence). Her opposite number was Eunomia (Civil Order).
Dysnomiawas the spirit of lawlessness in Greek mythology, daughter of the goddess of strife,Eris. She had numerous siblings, includingHorcus,Ponos,Algea, the Hysminai, theMakhai, thePhonoi, theAndroktasiai, the Neikea, thePseudologoi, the Amphilogiai,Limos,Ate, andLethe. They were all per...
Dysnomia (Card) is one of the Summoned Ability Cards in Mobius Final Fantasy. It was first added to Card Summon on May 16th, 2019. Ranger ability - Area dark attack (multistrike overkill). Adds Painful Break and Exploit Weakness.