ICD-10-CM Code F45.22 – Body dysmorphic disorder. (n.d.). ICD.CODES. Retrieved June 30, 2021, fromhttps://icd.codes/icd10cm/F4522 Krebs, G., Fernández De La Cruz, L., & Mataix-Cols, D. (2017). Recent advances in understanding and managing body dysmorphic disorder.Evidence Based...
RESULTS. 91,3% of patients fulfilled the ICD-10 criteria for dysmorphophobia nondelusonal (F45.2); 8,7% - the ICD-10 criteria for dysmorphophobia delusional (F22.88). Our findings indicate that the manifestation of DM can occur at any age period from 11 years to 70 years and DM isn'...
Muscle dysmorphia (MD) is a specifier of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) characterized by intrusive thoughts surrounding muscularity and associated compulsive behaviors. Core features of MD include preoccupation with muscle size, compulsive weight trainin