Despite this small, but significant increase in LDL-C, closer examination of the responses revealed a noticeable inter-individual variation. There was a mean increase in LDL-C of 4. 1%, yet the spread of individual responses was substantial, with 33 of the 74 subjects demonstrating a lower ...
The baseline characteristics of the participants included a mean age of 12.2 years, a mean weight of 74.7 kg, and a mean BMI of 31.7 kg/m2. The results of this analysis revealed that a 0.74-kg decrease in weight was associated with a 1-mg/dL increase in blood HDL-C levels and a ...
In this analysis, we used the mean intake of added sugars from the 2 dietary recalls (% total energy from added sugars) and controlled for the same dietary covariates (using the mean of the 2 dietary recalls for each) and other covariates as specified in the primary analyses. Results A ...
This approval was based on a 6-week trial of ezetimibe co-administered with simvastatin using simvastatin monotherapy as the active comparator followed by a 27-week open-label phase. Results at both week 6 and week 33 showed a mean 12 % reduction in TC and 15 % reduction in LDL-C. ...
In the study by Choi et al., the only parameter that showed a discernible difference between those with and without DED was HDL; those with DED had higher mean HDL levels [72]. According to these findings, elevated lipid profiles in patients with DLP could be used to predict the risk of...
International Journal of Women's Health 7 February 2014 Number of times this article has been viewed Binh An P Phan1 Peter P Toth2–4 1Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood, IL, USA; 2CGH Medical Center, Sterlin...
The SEM is a pooled standard error of the mean. Analysis was performed using the method of least squares to fit general linear models in SAS. The p values shown are for the main effects of IMB, main effect of HFD, and their interaction/effect modification (IMB × HFD...
Mean glucose levels (A) were slightly but significantly higher in fructose-fed vs. control animals during the last 30 mins of the clamp period (p < 0.01). Mean insulin levels (B) were slightly but not significantly higher in the fructose-fed vs. control hamsters during the clamp period. ...
These two large studies raised serious questions about what is the appropriate combina- tion therapy with statins in persons who have not reached their LDL-C goal. While this controversy still lingers, many feel the effectiveness of NA in reducing LDL-C (especially small dense LDL-C particles)...
agents are comparable to niacin in early-stage clinical studies. Since they have not reported baseline TGs, the question marks for ARI-3037 percent drops for hypothetical baseline TGs. Mean TGs are 107 mg/dL for healthy American adults [83]. If this were the baseline TG for this dose group...