This year’s World Dyslexia Assembly theme is “Celebrating the limitless power of Dyslexic Thinking.” New York City mayor Eric Adams, along with New York City Public Schools, will help host the event. In addition, the Assembly will feature many inspirational speakers, including celebrities, spie...
Dyslexic Thinking is now a skill recognized by the world’s largest careers site, LinkedIn. People with dyslexia can often solve complex problems and see patterns others don’t, which are skills sought after by intelligence agencies like Britain’s GCHQ.See the video. ...
Dyslexic thinking skillsCompleted 100 XP 10 minutes Things to knowPeople with dyslexia can be highly creative, good problem-solvers, three-dimensional thinkers, innovators, and influencers—all valuable skills. While reading, writing, and spelling can prove to be difficult for people with dyslexia, ...
In honor of Dyslexia Awareness Month, alongside our partner Made by Dyslexia, New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, and The NYC Department of Education, we are excited to celebrate dyslexic thinking with some important announcements.100,000 teachers trained...
Made By Dyslexia and Virgin Group have launched a new film to celebrate a major milestone in their #DyslexicThinking campaign as over 10,000 people across the world have added Dyslexic Thinking as a skill to their LinkedIn profile in the past ten days. F
However, this article contends that the unique thinking patterns associated with dyslexia are complementary to and can substantially enrich the professional practice of qualitative research. The social model of disability emphasises how Higher Education Institutions, rooted in ableist and neurotypical norms,...
Identifying the strengths of a learner with dyslexia is key to empowering them as you weave opportunities for those strengths to shine in classroom instruction.Take time and spot the strengths of a learner with dyslexia. Identify possible strengths in dyslexic thinking such as creativity, ...
Dyslexia and its associated learning challenges are often misconstrued as intellectual deficits, leading to erroneous assumptions that individuals with dyslexia cannot thrive or contribute meaningfully to academic institutions. However, this article contends that the unique thinking patterns associated with dysl...
I have been thinking about this quite a lot over the last few years. I choose to say little simply because of the negativity I will get. However I want to make one thing clear… Regardless of Trump’s politics, lies, sexism and racism (for this post) I have been considering my own ...
First recorded in1960–65;dyslex(ia)+-ic Discover More Example Sentences He explained that his friends used to say "you don't look dyslexic" as if it was a "deformity", but he added "those were the times". FromBBC The Handsworth-born poet was dyslexic and unable to read or write bu...