Individual Test Access Register Your Organisation QuickScan Online Dyslexia Questionnaire How do you learn and what are your strengths and weaknesses? QuickScan is a long-established and well recognised online dyslexia questionnaire. It is a first stage dyslexia screener for adults and young people, ag...
(417 subjects) with a greater diversity of educational backgrounds. Sensitivity of the questionnaire was 66.7% while specificity was 93.13%; interestingly, inclusion of a self-diagnosis question (“Do you think you are dyslexic?”) increased sensitivity from 47.4% to 66.7%, suggesting that patients...
The questionnaire items on dyslexia and RWD, as well as gender, ethnicity and general ability, significantly predicted Duvan scores (explained variance, R 2 = 0.25). More research is needed to explore the precision of Duvan as a screening tool for dyslexic symptoms among Norwegian adolescents.doi...
Rapport fra en spørgeskemaundersøgelse [Communal support for dyslexic students. Report from a questionnaire]. Virum, Denmark: Dansk Videnscenter for Ordblindhed. Hoover, W. A., & Gough, P. B. (1990). The simple view of reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 2(2...
Fill out our Learning Styles & Background Questionnaire. Step 2 Pay your Deposit. Step 3 Get matched with your coach and begin your virtual journey I'm Ready FAQ's My child has ADHD, and/or is very young and I’m concerned they won’t be able to last a full 50 minute sessi...
The methodology involved the use of a postal survey questionnaire with both qualitative and quantitative outcomes. Findings are discussed in the context of strategies for promoting partnerships with parents and affective-academic pathways for learners with dyslexia.doi:10.1080/03323310802597424...
Behavioral Evaluation Questionnaire for Adults I and II Two separate questionnaires regarding ADHD symptoms as defined by the DSM-IV were administered79(e.g. “Fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in work or schoolwork”, “Fidgets with hands or feet or squirms ...
based on the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. EEG and behavioural data (such as PA and RAN) were collected in the total sample of 87 children at the beginning of the last year of kindergarten (Vanvooren et al., 2014). At the end of the last year of kindergarten a MRI-scan ...
A questionnaire concerning allergies and asthma was used to assess the prevalence of immune disorders. Results. —The bivariate analyses disclosed a significant association between handedness and dyslexia and a significant but weak association between handedness and immune disorders. No significant ...
On top of that, de Leeuw (2010) presented only a selection of the results of the questionnaire measuring font preference in her thesis. In the appendix of her master thesis she reported all five questions asking the students how they experienced the font Dyslexie but again, no statistical ...