At the heart of a Shakespearean...doi:10.1080/23268263.2009.10767576WhitfieldPetronillaRoutledgeVoice & Speech Review
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This paper explores three peer-reviewed articles that involve treating children with reading disabilities. Two of these articles derive their data from empirical studies. One article is purely research based, and offers many simple strategies for treating a dyslexic child in the music classroom. All ...
Where can someone get more information about dyslexia? For further information regarding dyslexia, ask your child's pediatrician for assistance, contact your local public school district office, or one of the following: . From Medically Reviewed on11/3/2023 What is ADHD? Attention deficit hyperactiv...
We then undertook an in-depth analysis of peer-reviewed articles on neurobiology published in scientific journals in the past 10 years (2004–2013) and including a population aged over 18. We reviewed article abstracts to select those including adult populations; in doubtful cases, we accessed ...
Twenty-three studies were published in peer-reviewed journals, and 5 studies were unpublished postgraduates’ theses. Based on the quality coding criteria, 16 of the included studies with high quality, 4 with acceptable quality, and 8 with low quality. The average rating scores of essential and ...
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) Dyscalculia Dysgraphia Visual processing disorder Auditory processing disorder As with dyslexia, symptoms of these co-occurring conditions will begin to appear early in a child’s life. Treating dyslexia can be difficult when other problems occur with the disability, but...
explore new software, and manage classroom devices (Bippert & Harmon,2017; Delgado et al.,2015; Francom,2020; Tang et al.,2021). Administrative and peer support also play significant roles in one-to-one device use (Francom,2020; Inan & Lowther,2010; Kopcha,2010; Ottenbreit-Leftwich et...
often typo, reading plus words, missing words, not understanding the meaning of the contents of the reading. We reviewed the progress in the researches on effects of gene, environment and gene-environment interaction on developmental dyslexia to provide references for future researches on developmental...
Wang, M. F. & Chen, H. C. Relations among primary schoolers’ academic achievement, prosocial behavior and peer acceptance/rejection (in Chinese). Meng, X., Lin, O., Wang, F., Jiang, Y. & Song, Y. Reading performance is enhanced by visual texture discrimination training in Chinese-sp...