Scapular dyskinesis is any alteration of its static position or kinematics during movements in the shoulder joint. The correct scapula orientation is associated with the tone of the muscles attached to it. The prevalence of scapular dyskinesis is high among patients with subacromial impingement ...
Abstract Scapular dyskinesis is defined as a loss of normal mobility or function of the scapula. There are three types of scapular dyskinesis based on the position of the scapula to the posterior thorax. The scapula significantly contributes to the kinematics of the shoulder. Along with the rota...
The scapula serves many roles in order for proper shoulder function to occur. These roles include providing synchronous scapular rotation during humeral motion, serving as a stable base for rotator cuff activation and functioning as a link in the kinetic chain. Each role is vital to proper arm ...
Superior border At rest, the superior border of the scapula may be elevated and the scapula can also be anteriorly (type III) displaced. During arm motion, a shoulder shrug initiates movement without significant winging of the scapula occurring. The axis of this motion occurs in the sagittal ...
The scapula is one of many links within the kinetic chain. It has been recognized that the scap-ula serves many roles in shoulder function includ-ing serving as a stable base for muscle activation, precise concavity/compression ball and socket kinematics throughout the arm motion, optimal force...
“dropped”. The pain is described anteriorly over the coracoid and also along the medial border of the scapula posteriorly. Examination reveals a prominent medial border, anteriorly tilted and protracted scapula with loss of the scapulothoracic rhythm during elevation of the arm. Elevation is ...
The scapula serves many roles in order for proper shoulder function to occur. These roles include providing synchronous scapular rotation during humeral motion, serving as a stable base for rotator cuff activation and functioning as a link in the kinetic chain. Each role is vital to proper arm ...
The scapula fulfils many roles to facilitate optimal function of the shoulder. Normal function of the shoulder joint requires a scapula that can be properly aligned in multiple planes of motion of the upper extremity. Scapular dyskinesis, meaning abnormal motion of the scapula during shoulder moveme...
I first became aware of the importance of the scapula in shoulder injury in 1984. A young patient with impingement syndrome not responsive to the ‘usual’ treatments was almost immediately relieved of her symptoms when I recognised the altered scapular position and manually stabilised the scapula....
The scapula is central in proficient shoulder activity, and rotator cuff muscles will not operate optimally if the scapula is poorly positioned. Dynamic scapular stabilization requires coordinated muscular activity, and muscle dysfunction will lead to glenohumeral incongruity during overhead athletic ...