DysgnathieKieferorthopädische FehlbildungenKauleistungVerdauungThe relationship between malocclusion and the gastrointestinal system has only been examined occasionally, while several pertinent studies have addressed the chewing function as a functional link between oral structures and the gastrointestinal ...
Kernspintomographische Untersuchung morphologischer Veränderungen des Kiefergelenks in der Dysgnathiechirurgie 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 11 作者:A Hohe,SA Rensing,M Mildner,D Lang,R Reski 摘要: Purpose. A prospective study was initiated to investigate the postoperative changes in ...
Die Piezochirurgie wird seit rund 35Jahren in der Mund, Kiefer- und Gesichtschirurgie eingesetzt und findet vermehrt ihre Anwendung in der Dysgnathiechirurgie. In diesem Beitrag werden zunchst die Entwicklung und der Nutzen der Piezoosteotomie in der Dysgnathiechirurgie erlutert. Dann werden die...
The aim of this paper is to show how often and to which degree TMJ pathologies occur in orthognathic surgery candidates before surgery, making it recommendable to consider these TMJ pathologies during treatment planning. Between 2002 and 2004, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the TMJ were made...
Prvalenzen definierter Dysgnathiesymptome bei Studienteilnehmern der Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) in der Altersgruppe 20 bis 49 JahreKey Words: EpidemiologyAnomalies in tooth position and occlusionAdultsStudy of Health in Pomerania
Achsiographische Funktionsparameter nach Dysgnathieoperationen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ScharnierachsenpositionAchsiographic registrationCondylar positioningHinge axisOrthognatic surgeryThis follow-up study was designed to identify the differences between the TMJ movements of individuals undergoing ...
Bei extremer Ausprgung dieser Pathologie ermglicht die alloplastische Kiefergelenkrekonstruktion in Kombination mit anderen Verfahren der Dysgnathiechirurgie eine sichere und stabile Korrektur von Kieferfehlstellungen und die simultane Rekonstruktion der Kiefergelenke bei allerdings gegebener Invasivitt ...
DysgnathiechirurgieIt was the aim of this clinical study to compare the skeletal and dentoalveolar effects as well as those on the profile of three different treatment approaches in Class II patients (camouflage orthodontics, dentofacial orthopedics, and combined orthodontic and surgical treatment). ...
3DFacial asymmetryDysgnathieÄsthetikAttraktivität3-DFaziale AssymetrieThe goal of the following study was to quantify facial soft-tissue asymmetry in patients with pronounced skeletal malocclusion anomalies before and after orthodontic treatment combined with orthognathic surgery. In addition, the ...
The intra-individual examiner comparison revealed the smallest differences (kappa median 0.82).doi:10.1007/s00056-006-0627-4Dietmar GeschWiebke SchröderThomas KocherAntje KirbschusSpringer NatureJournal of Orofacial Orthopedics / Fortschritte der Kieferorthopdie...