The Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) score was defined from at least one claim’s data in the last 1 year using the ICD-10 code; detailed codes are presented in Supplementary Table 2. Classification of study population We defined hepatic steatosis using the fatty liver index (FLI) with a ...
In a review on “The evaluation and management of female sexual dysfunction”, Dawson and colleagues (2017) stated that “Buproprion, a mild dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and acetylcholine receptor antagonist, has been shown to improve desire in women with and without depression. Al...
Whereas medical doctors use the ICD-10 to code the diagnosis of pelvic pain and SD, and psychiatrists, psychologists, and sexologists use the DSM V to classify them, physiotherapists use the ICF (Table 1) [28]. Table 1 Definitions of the International Classification of Functioning Terms: impa...
(2) In vivo human studies on patients with primary diagnosis of schizophrenia (DSM-code: 295.90; ICD-10 code: F20.9), schizophreniform (295.40; F20.81), schizoaffective disorder (295.70; F25.2), brief psychotic disorder (298.8; F23), other psychotic disorder (298.9, F29), major depressive...
We recognize that there may be overestimation of PD diagnosis when it is based on only an International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision (ICD-10) code (G20) of PD. However, the program for copayment reduction enables relatively accurate diagnosis because the Korean government supervises ...
In summary, the findings of this study underline the importance of considering additional factors, such as kidney condition, when weighing the benefits of using ICD in a patient. “Refining the criteria for ICD implantation holds the potential for significantly improving the prevention of SCD and r...
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) meeting the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia according to ICD − 10 via an interview by a clinical psychiatrist; (2) aged 18 years or older; (3) receiving treatment or mental health services from primary care physicians in community-based ...
The inclusion criteria were as follows: (1) meeting the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia according to ICD − 10 via an interview by a clinical psychiatrist; (2) aged 18 years or older; (3) receiving treatment or mental health services from primary care physicians in community- based ...
Diagnosis with AHF using the International Classification of Disease 9th revision (ICD9) after the first admission, referring to the 2021 ESC advanced HF diagnostic criteria8. At least two of the following three criteria must be met despite the treatment: (a) Severe and persistent HF symptoms ...
ED was defined as the presence of a diagnostic code (ICD-9: 607.84; ICD-10: N52.9) from 1/1/2010 to 7/1/2020. 2.3. Outcome The primary outcome, measured in the 2-years after index, was the presence of any of the following: a) a diagnosis code for pre-diabetes; b) an A1c in...