美[ˈdɪs(ə)nˌteri] 英[ˈdɪs(ə)ntri] n.痢疾 网络赤痢;腹泻;大瘕泄 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 dysentery n. 1. 痢疾an infection of the bowels that causes severe diarrhoea with loss of blood
Amebicdysenteryis B type infectious disease legally. 阿米巴痢疾为法定乙类传染病. 期刊摘选 In the Philippines, it is used with milk fordysenteryand kidney infections. 在菲律宾, 人们将芦荟与牛奶一起使用,治疗痢疾和肾脏感染. 期刊摘选 Diseases , whose RIR and FRR are relatively high, are Measles,Dy...
dysentery是什么意思 音标: 英 [ˈdɪsəntrɪ] 美 [ˈdɪsənˌtɛrɪ] n. 痢疾 [医] 痢疾 n. an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea dysentery的用法和例句: 1.They suffer terrible with diarrhoea from thedysentery....
dysentery是什么意思、dysentery怎么读 读音:英['dɪs(ə)nt(ə)rɪ] 美['dɪsəntɛri] dysentery 基本解释 n. 痢疾 [医] 痢疾 词组短语 1、amebicdysentery[医] 阿米巴[性]痢疾 2、amoebicdysentery阿米巴痢疾, 变形虫性痢疾 3、asylumdysentery[医] 收容所痢疾, 群居性痢疾 ...
它是引起食物中毒爆发,从痢疾到死亡所有症状的元凶。 Disillusionment with mr karzai 's government , which includes alleged drug-traffickers and war criminals , is spreading like dysentery in a kabul slum . 就好像是痢疾在kabul贫民窟的传播一样,理想破灭感在包括毒品商人和战犯在内的karzai政府里扩散。
dysentery是什么意思、dysentery怎么读 读音:美[´dɪsəntri]英[´dɪsənteri] 英汉翻译近义词典英英词典发音词典 dysentery中文翻译 n.痢疾;脏毒 dysentery是什么意思 网络赤痢; 腹泻; 大瘕泄 词组短语 1.balantidialdysentery小袋虫痢疾
dysentery的意思、解释 dysentery 基本解释 dysentery 名词痢疾; 脏毒 dysentery的意思 dysentery 网络解释 1. 痢疾:南方宋王朝的抵抗基本上属于城防坚固、训练有素的自卫形式上的,但是在一连串的强势军事打击下,中国人开始变得支离破碎,这场战争在1257-1259年间由蒙哥汗亲自指挥. 1259年8月蒙哥汗突然死于痢疾(dysentery...
Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery.(适应症:主要用于治疗伤寒、副伤寒、斑疹伤寒及细菌性痢疾。) Conclusion: The treatment with Simo Decoction for toxic type bacillary dysentery in children is effective and safe.(结论:四磨汤口服液辅助治...
dysentery 坏,不良 dystrophy=dys(坏,不良)+trophy(转)=营养不良 +/ 坏的肠子→痢疾 英[ˈdɪsəntrɪ] 考点解读 托福 雅思 剑雅词频:2核心词 dysentery 常考释义 n. 痢疾 雅思常考例句 The antiseptic properties of tannin, the active ingredient in tea, and of hops in beer - plus the fact...