Crystal Orientation Size Surface Polishing Quantity DyScO3Dysprosium scandate Crystal Substrate Main Parameters Crystal structure orthorhombic Pnma space group, Perovskite structured Growth methodCzochralski Unit cell constants a=5.44, b=5.71, c=7.89 ...
Reihe, R. Uecher., S. K. Streiffer, L. Q. Chen, V. Gopalan, D. G. Shlom, and S. Trolier-Kinstry, Influence of anisotropic strain on the dielectric and ferroelectric properties of SrTiO3 thin films on DyScO3 substrate. Phys. Rev. B. 79, 224117 (2009)....
We investigate the low temperature magnetic properties of crystalline DyScO3, a material that has seen increasing importance as a substrate for the growth of strained perovskite films. The compound exhibits strong magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis along the [100] direction and a hard axis ...
Electron-doped infinite-layer thin films with T-C(zero)=41 K grown on DyScO3 substrateInfinite-layer compoundSr 1− xLa xCuO 2MBEDyScO 3We report high-quality electron-doped infinite-layer (IL) superconducting thin films with a T C of over 40 K grown on newly introduced DyScO 3 ...
In addition, the morphology can be controlled by the miscut of the substrate. Synchrotron x-ray scattering observations at controlled temperatures and oxygen partial pressures reveal that the δ-Bi2O3 nanostructures are coherently strained to the substrates at room temperature. Annealing the ...
High-precision stress mapping and defect characterization of thin films of LaMnO 3 grown on DyScO 3 substrate.doi:10.1017/S1431927616008473Alexander V. KvitJie FengChenyu ZhangDane MorganPaul M. VoylesCambridge University Press (CUP)
The procedure of ordinary crystal structure analysis is hampered by the multidomain structure and limited volume of measurable reciprocal space, both caused by a huge, highly symmetric substrate. To overcome this difficulty, we employed the Bayesian inference to obtain the detailed atomic positions in...
Epitaxial strain can be efciently used to modify the properties of ferroelectric thin lms. From thenexperimental viewpoint, the challenge is to ne-tune the magnitude of the strain. We illustrate herenhow, by using a suitable combination of composition and substrate, the magnitude of the ...
The source materials of vaporization are successively supplied with into room to be formed in the DyScO3 films on the substrate by ALD. D firsthand information inlcudes D (EDMDD) 3. Sc firsthand information includes Sc (EDMDD) 3.CHOI, HOON SANG...