26 - Dyschezie Gynäkologie Differenzialdiagnostik und Differenzialtherapie 2020, Pages 54-55 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. Academic and personalFor academic or personal use only. Looking for a customized option? Contact sales for special pricing fo...
Dyschésie psychologiqueTCCEnfantCas cliniqueContrôle sphinctérienPsychological dyscheziaCBTChildSingle caseSphincter controlToilet training in children is an important step toward autonomy. Enuresis and encopresis are the most frequent difficulties met in sphincter control. Difficulties in evacuating stools...
Annales d'Endocrinologie - Vol. 85 - N° 5 - p. 435 - Dysthyroïdie et risque cardiovasculaire chez le diabétique - EM consulte
Results: Both patients had a visual acuity reduced to hand motion perception bilaterally after 1 month of high-dose corticosteroid therapy, due to multiple exudative...doi:10.1016/j.jfo.2016.06.006V. VasseurE. FarahM. ZmudaO. GalatoireJournal francais d'ophtalmologie...
Marchal, J.-C.Klein, O.Elsevier Masson SASNeurochirurgieNeiter E, Guarneri C, Pretat PH, Joud A, Marchal JC, Klein O. Semiologie d'un dysfonctionnement de derivation ventriculo- peritoneale chez l'enfant - mise au point. Neurochirurgie. 2015....
La dysautonomie dans la sclérodermie : approche quantitative chez 15 maladesAutonomic nervous system has been evaluated in 15 patients suffering from progressive systemic sclerosis. Significant abnormalities have been noted in all the patients.
Agénésie calleuseDyspraxie diagonistiqueCurrent treatments for androgen-independent prostate cancer have not shown a definitive increase in survival. Several novel drugs have made their way through preclinical testing into early clinical trials. Targets discussed in this review include apoptosis, ...
Archives de PédiatrieDavid M, Nicolino M, Mollard P, Forest MG. Etude de la croissance chez 15 patients atteints de dysgenesie gonadique mixte : effet du traitement par l'hormone de croissance et implication dans le choix du sexe. Arch Pediatr 1997;4(Suppl. 2):196s-200s....
However there is always a potential risk of dysfunction during anesthesia. Perioperative management of these patients must be careful and standardized to avoid accidents. We report a case of cardiac arrest during general anesthesia for a day-surgery secondary to pacemaker dysfunction by increasing ...