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dyscalculie 音标:[diskalkyli]发音 生词本: 添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 AI解释 全文检索法汉-汉法词典 n. f. []计困难 网络释义 n. f. 【学】计困难 用户正在搜索 jumelée, jumeler, jumelle, jumelles, jument, jumillite, jumping, jumpo, Junco, Juncus, 相似单词 dysboulie, dysboulique, ...
In today's health care system, the diagnostic imaging is a key tool in the early diagnosis and prevention of disease.doi:10.1016/B978-2-294-70371-3.50005-1C. DessibourgHandicap mental : approche transdisciplinaire
dyscalculieenfantpathology of countingdyscalculiachildFrom a study of 20 children (five with dysphasia and five with dyspraxia, compared to ten normal children) it can be shown that the counting of collections even of a small size is a complex function — the length of the counting sequence ...
Neurowetenschappelijke inzichten in de ontwikkeling van rekenstoornissen of dyscalculieChildren with mild intellectual disabilities (MID) appear to have particular problems in understanding the numerical meaning of Arabic digits. Therefore, we developed and evaluated a numerical domino game that ...
Accommodation for Dyscalculic Children in an E- Learning Environmentdoi:10.5120/11931-7712Zainab PiraniM SasikumarFoundation of Computer Science (FCS)
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